chapter twenty five

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"I messed up. I messed up Bad." Red muttered, pacing around his dorm room

"For the last time if you're not going to tell me what happened then shut up, unlike you I kinda wanna ace this test" Green yelled from his room. The muttering and footsteps only seemed to get louder, Green's tolerance for his best friend was slowly dwindling as he was struggling to focus. It didn't take long for Green to snap as he slammed his door opened and headed towards the darker haired boy's room, coming in with no warning and forcefully grabbing Red's shoulders, pushing him onto his chair.

"Alright you're either gonna shut up or spill, because ever since you got home you've completely ignored me and I know a panicked Red when I see one. I was fine with leaving you alone because you're not a kid who can't handle his own shit but if you're gonna bother me then I'm gonna need whatever is going on to stop."

Red stared in silence before speaking up - "I messed up"

"I realised."

Red let out a large sigh before starting, "I saw Ryu and Yellow together" Green stared in disbelief but stayed quiet and allowed Red to continue. But he didn't.

"Is that it?" Red's head was down, evidently ashamed of his actions, but nodded nonetheless. "I saw them together and I don't know I couldn't stop, my brain was just telling me to go over there and seperate them so I snapped... I hurt her Green.."

"Were they doing anything?"

Remembering back on the moment, they weren't doing anything, just talking really, he hated that that was all it took for him to snap, it was the final trigger, the lead up to all his insecurities building up in the past weeks.

"So why did you snap?" Green incurred.

"I don't know! It just happened, before I knew it I was dragging her away and she told me to stay away until I could trust her"

"Okay.. then do you trust her?"

Red's head snapped up, "Of course I trust her! I just don't trust him" His eyes were tired, his stress evident. "Then what's the problem, just tell her that. You need to talk Red you can't just expect Yellow to be able to read your mind"

"She doesn't want to see me..." His head turned down again, panic slowly starting to come back.

Green gently placed his hands on his shoulders and shook him forcing Red to look him directly in the eyes. "Red. Everyone makes mistakes, yes you fucked up, but that doesn't mean you can't fix this. Tell her you want to talk and let her choose when. Yellow isn't the type not to give you a second chance and you know that."

"You're right.. yea you're right" Red whispered

Red stands up abruptly, grabbing his coat and bag, Green stared in confusion "I'll go to her dorm and tell her I want to talk, yes, and if she doesn't want to I'll wait outside until she comes out!"

But before he could leave his room he feels a tug on his arm and he's falling backwards, "No you idiot, just text her. Plus it's past curfew you can't leave and you especially can't be going to the girls dorm."

"Right..." He said has the got up from the floor, sitting on his bed, staring into nothing. "Now that we're done with that, I'm going back to my wonderful desk full of work while you, stay here and think about your actions and text her." Green walked out of the room, the sound of his door closing echoes.


"Red did what?!"


"Oh my god, you know what? I'm not surprised, he's always been a little bit of a kid" Blue laughed, eyes creasing. She wasn't taking the situation seriously, Yellow had just told her about Red and her's squabble and her only reaction was to laugh despite it technically being their first serious fight.

Yellow didn't even have to say anything for Blue to understand her expression, "Sorry sorry. It's just this would be considered lovers quarrel for me you know? But I understand every relationship is different. To be fair you guys had been in the honeymoon phase for a little too long if you ask me. I don't think Green and I ever had our honeymoon phase." She babbled.

"That's because you're both stubborn as hell and arguing is your love language."

Blue took a minute to process that before ultimately agreeing, "But yes, so, how do you feel?"

Yellow sighed, "I don't know? I know Red wasn't really in control in that moment, something must have happened for him to be so triggered, he wasn't even listening to me when he was dragging me away. It was like he was completely taken over or something" She remembered the 3 minute walk, her constantly calling out for Red but she didn't get a word back or even a glance. That wasn't the Red she was familiar with.

"Red's always been the type to get jealous, and he was a bit insecure because you were spending so much time with Ryu recently.. that must've been the last straw for him"

"He was that bothered?" Yellow asked worryingly. "He talked to me about it, Green too. But I thought he was over his insecurities after Green gave him a pep talk, he seemed fine..."

Their attentions were brought away by the sound of Yellow's phone, she picked it up, her screen lighting up and revealing a notification. "He texted me."

"He said, "Can we talk?""

"Oooo he's taking initiative? He's grown up so well" Blue wipes away a fake tear. "Okay sorry, stop looking at me like that, what're you going to say?" She laughs, only wanting to lighten up the mood.

Yellow sighs. She knows she didn't do anything wrong and of course she wants to talk it out with him to understand why he had acted that way. During the time she's been with Red he has never lashed out or said anything that could hurt her - he's always been a little cautious which is something that bothered Yellow slightly. She wanted him to be comfortable enough with her that he wasn't walking on shattered glass whenever they were together. It wasn't like she was going to break so knowing Red didn't tell her about what he was feeling most likely because he didn't want to hurt her bothered her to no end. "I'll tell him we can talk after school on Monday."

"Not tomorrow?"

Yellow giggles a little, "I'll let him suffer with his thoughts for a little bit"

Blue smiles at that, glad to know Yellow was aware they could talk this through.

The thing about Red was that he had always had a bit of a jealous streak, and struggled with being insecure. Ever since they were kids, Green, Blue and Red would always play together and Red would often find himself being compared to Green by his elementary school teachers. Green excelled in everything and it wasn't like Blue was lacking either. She remembered how Green and her would be considered the school's ideals even at the age of 7 and for her it was a memory she cherished. Standing at the top alongside the boy she loved. But for Red that wasn't the same, despite Red's constant cheerful persona and ability to brighten up the mood no matter what that's all he felt he was good for. Standing next to the two was nothing but a constant reminder that he wasn't good enough. And it's not like they haven't talked about it, from what Green has told her, after she moved Green and Red got closer and he confided in him. But they he always knew there was always that inkling of insecurity that Red would try so hard hide. His smiling facade never fooled him, but he knew this was something Red had to face himself so he never butted in after that initial talk.

That's why Yellow was so perfect for him, she not only grounded his class clown persona but was his support. Yellow never failed to reassure him of his place in this world and calm down his worries. Yellow wasn't necessarily aware of this herself, it's not like she knows about Red's insecurities but she doesn't have to say anything to be able to comfort Red, her presence in itself was always enough.

"So, Monday then huh?"



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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