chapter twenty

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a/n this is the first chapter that is going to be in the third person if you have yet to notice i am in the process of rewriting the whole story in the third person. please read the author's note in chapter one to see the details. 

"Uhm Yellow-san, I wanted to tell you something."

"Yes?" She replied with uncertainty.

He suddenly kneeled down and pulled a prop rose from behind his back. "I like you!"


What? Did he just say he liked Yellow? 

"Uh, w-what I meant is that I find you really nice and I want to get to know you better" He stuttered

"Oh" Yellow awkwardly accepted the rose from his hands and answered with a "thank you, let's be friends?" The younger boy looked up at her and nodded enthusiastically. 

Red sighed in relief. "thank the lords" he murmured to himself. 

Yellow helped the boy off his knees, "I have to be going now so we'll talk later?" She says, He nods and they bid each other farewell.

Red continues to watch until Yellow turns the corner in the other direction, Ryu was heading his way, Red composed himself and as he walked past he felt a slight glare from the younger boy. Red stared in slight shock, "what did I ever do to him?" Red muttered quietly to himself before remembering what he was doing there and then running off to find Yellow.

He opened the door to their classroom, slightly out of breath and saw Yellow packing up a few things. "Need some help?" Red asked Yellow looked up then mouthed a 'yes please'. The two packed away the supplies in silence before Red started to speak up "uh, uhm Y-yellow, do you- actually are you doing anything after this?" he asked nervously.

Yellow noticed him rubbing the back of his neck, and being his girlfriend, she knew he was obviously nervous. Her mind went back to when Blue had mentioned that Red was going through restaurant pamphlets. 

"I'm busy" she lies. "Oh okay," he says quietly, continuing to pack the props and avoid eye contact, obviously disappointed in her reply. 

Yellow waited for a few minutes before giggling a bit and saying "I was joking, I'm 100% free". Red looked up to see Yellow smiling widely, "argh, are you serious?" he says, blushing intensely. "I'm sorry," she says, she couldn't resist laughing. "so why did you ask?" she continued to poke at Red's pride.

"Do you... wanna go on a... date with me?" he said under his breath

"Parden?" she said, smiling directly at her lover

"do you wanna go on a date?" he said, a slight bit louder

"hm?" she continues on

"I said, DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A FRICKEN DATE?" he said, before incoherently saying "I hate you"

"I would love to go on a date" she responded

The two finished packing up the supplies left over from the eventful day, they started heading back to their dorms, walking across the large campus. "I'll meet you later at 7pm?" he reassures, Yellow nodded in reply before waving and walking in the direction of the girl's dorms. Yellow opens her dorm door to see Blue in the middle of cooking dinner "Welcome back" she says. "I'm back," Yellow answers in reply. "Oh, don't make my portion for dinner" Yellow quickly announces, sitting on the couch, exhausted.

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