chapter 18

740 18 6

Blue's pov

Yellow's and Red's relationship developed during the months they've been together, they would hug and hold hands in public without the either getting embarrassed, it wasn't long before they became the 'school's couple' after all Red was one of the most popular guys at school (even with his dense personality).  That new kid is kinda cute, I wonder how Red feels about him, after all, he shows obvious affection towards Yellow-


"Hello? Blue? You there"

"What?" I looked around to see the class staring at me "Oh whoops, sorry what's happening?" I rested my chin on the palm of my head. "Jesus Blue, anyway, we were conversing about what we should do for the school festival, you usually come up with pretty good ideas,"  The class president said, behind him was the whiteboard and on it, there were a few ideas, cliche ideas. "Hmm, we shouldn't do something cliche, nothing like a maid cafe, or a cross-dressing cafe, or a haunted house, we need something new" the class sat in silence for a short while "A cliche idea it is then," I said. "It's fine, as long as we can get a lot of our class into the school play then we're sure to win!" 

"Win?" Yellow whispered in my direction. "I'll explain it to you at lunch," I say before turning my attention back to the front of the class.


"So practically, we have a system at our school, it's not whoever can raise the most amount of money, because it all goes to the school funds and charity either way, but whoever can raise the most points. At the end of the festival, people come and vote for the class they think is the best, if our class has a good event and people like it then people will also vote for our class. Points also come from people in our class participating in other things such as bigger school events such as the talent show or the school play, even working backstage or volunteering which can add additional points. Overall it's a great system which allows the students more hyped up and wish to participate. There's a class winner for each year level." I say explaining to Yellow 

She nods her head before asking "What happens when you win?"

"It changes every year, so we never know what" Green pitches in "Each year level gets a different reward as well," Red says, mouth full of food. "Last year our year level got a meal cooked by the best chef in the country!" Gold says loudly. "My class won last year, and we got an all-day excursion to wherever we wanted, of course, it had to be in the prefecture though," I say.

"Wow" Yellow exclaims, surprised by the amazing rewards given to the lucky class "Our school is pretty rich after all" Red points out, stuffing rice in his mouth. "What about the school play?" Yellow questions
"Oh, for that, it's literally just a school play, each year level does their own play and students will nominate and vote who they think would fit each certain role the best, and we usually do classic fairy tales like sleeping beauty, cinderella, etc but with a little twist. Our year level is doing beauty and the beast this year right?" I say "Yeah we are" Green answers my question. 

"Didn't you do anything like this in your old school Yellow-senpai?" Platina asks randomly "Oh, I never said but I was homeschooled prior to coming here" Yellow answers, smiling sheepishly. "Oh wow really?" Gold exclaims "That's so cool!" He says. "Not really," She says rubbing the back of her neck "It was pretty boring since I had no friends or anybody to help me, but it was very useful, thanks to my homeschooling I was able to get a scholarship here and I'm extremely grateful for that" It was an awkward silence until everyone broke out in awe "Aww how cute" I gave Yellow a big hug "We're glad you're here and I'm thankful you're my roommate" 

The rest of our break was full of talking about older times and memories from our younger school years.

Yellow's pov

The preparation for our school festival was beginning, soon our classes were filled up with large cardboard pieces and craft material for building. We would stay back after school to finish up the decorations and planning.

"It's fun yeah?" Blue says motioning towards the decorations "It is" I hum in reply. 

"Everybody come here!" The class president shouted for the class to gather "Since we're doing a cafe we should think of a menu and it's also winter so it's the best time for some warm and cozy meals!" Everyone chipped in for thinking of meals that could be easily made and with ingredients that were cheap enough.

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