chapter six

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Yellow found herself rustling around in bed, she had woken up a few hours earlier and has been continuously trying to fall asleep again after realising she initially woke up at 4am. She decided that it was no use considering her three hours of trying, she sat up in bed and sat awhile - rubbing her eyes and stretching. She stood up and headed towards the bathroom in attempt to officially wake herself up. The shower was short, ranging a solid 7minutes before Yellow got out and brushed her teeth and hair. She tied her hair up in a low ponytail, too tired to try for a high one.

Entering the living area, she realised that Blue had yet to wake up, Yellow decided to let her roommate sleep in and head off to some early grocery shopping since the two girls decided to do some baking.

The blonde put on a random jacket that hung off from the coat hanger, it was probably Blue's but she didn't mind, and before leaving the dorm she left a note on the counter reminding Blue to preheat the oven. A few minutes later and she finds herself entering the large automatic doors that entranced the grocery store. Whilst heading in, Yellow hears a faint "Yellow!" as the doors closed behind her.

She hears it a second time as she turns her head in the direction of the noise, "Gold, good morning!" She says in response to the familiar face.

"Good morning to you too! I was out shopping for snacks since we ran out in the dorm and all" Gold started, "What are you doing out so early?"

"I just happened to wake up early and decided to get some shopping done before it gets crowded" Gold nodded in understanding, "I don't usually wake up this early, but I gotta do what I gotta do to get these treats since Silver never lets me buy them"

Yellow laughed in response, the two find themselves walking around the grocery store discussing over minor topics and how life was going for both.

"So, Yellow, you have an interest in Red?" Yellow isn't sure how the conversation got here but it did. "Pardon?"

"You like Red?"

Yellow stayed silent for a bit before answering "I guess? I'm a bit unsure of my feelings as of now"

"That's fine, I won't tell by the way! I promise I'm good at keeping secrets!" Gold had reassured.

"Thanks, really" Gold smiled but then said "Isn't Red really, uh, dense though?"

She laughed, "He is, but if my feelings continue to grow so will my motivation, and if it gets there I'll try my best - even if I'll have to be straightforward with him." Gold looked at her admiration, sure the situation was small, but because it was small it's amazing how the elder was able to be so confident and brave.


"Bless you, for the millionth time" Green said, his voice coated with a slight annoyance

"Thanks" Red replied, reaching for a tissue, "Are you getting sick or something?" Green asked. "I doubt it, maybe someone's talking about me?"

"Sure, if that's what you think" Green's voice was echoed, as his head was inside of the pantry - looking for any kind of food. "Can you go to the grocery store? We're out of, uh, everything"

"Got it" Red said, getting off of the couch, making sure to put some tissues in his pocket before leaving, just a safety precaution.

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his social media as he walked down to the on campus grocery store, being distracted it took him awhile to notice the familiar voices in the background. He looked up from his screen to see a tuff of blonde hair, easily recognising it as Yellow, and beside her, talking excitedly was his junior, Gold. Red felt his heart ache a bit, seeing Yellow giggle next to the animated boy. Red stood and stared for a moment before Gold turned around, noticing the senior and waving him over.

Red walked down to the two, "Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much, just went down to pick up some snacks and I bumped into Yellow" Gold replied, gesturing towards the smaller girl. She nodded in response, before turning over to Red to greet him with a wave and was met back with a warm smile from Red.

"Well as you can see I've already paid for these delicious treats so I'll be taking my leave before Silver realises I've left, I'll see you lovebirds later!" Gold said, leaving before the two could say anything.

There was a moment of awkward silence before the two laughed it off, avoiding the term of endearment that Gold used, "Did you need to buy something?" Red asked, as he picked up a grocery basket.

"Yes! Just needed to pick up some flour, eggs and unsalted butter, Blue was planning on baking so I offered to go down and get the ingredients we were missing." She said, leading the two into the baking aisle

"Blue? Cooking? Blue doesn't cook Yellow."

She laughed, and Red could feel the strings at his heart pull.

Wow when did her laugh sound so angelic

"She's doesn't cook, but she's been picking up baking recently and I've been helping her" Red nodded and hummed in response as he followed Yellow as she picked up her needed ingredients.

It wasn't long before the two were scanning the products in Yellow's basket through the self serve check-out. "Thanks for joining me in my shopping trip, I'll see you later?" Yellow said, attempting to grab the bags that Red had offered to carry.

"I'll walk you back to the dorm, couldn't make you carry all these by yourself!" He said, reaching away from Yellow's hands. She stopped walking to think, before saying "Sure, why not"

The two made it back to Blue and Yellow's shared dorms, she pulled out her keys from her back pocket and shoved it into the lock, taking her shoes off as she walked in. "Welcome back!" said a voice from inside the dorm, "I pre-heated the oven, you got everything we need?"

"I got everything, no need to worry!" Yellow called back, as she gestured for Red to come with her into the kitchen. "Thanks for carrying everything for me" Yellow said as Red dropped the bags on the counter.

"My pleasure M'lady!" Red bowed a full 90 degrees which elicited a laugh out of the shorter girl. Blue walked in, curious about the second voice from the kitchen, and looked at Red in surprise before waving, "Hey Red"

"Sup Blue" He said, turning his attention to the brunette, "Well I'll be off now, have a good day you two" Red said as he started to head towards the dorm entrance. "I'll see you out" Blue said as she caught up to Red's stride

"So, how's it going?" Red raised his eyebrow in question, "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, with Yellow, you must be stupid if you don't think I can't see your eyes forming hearts when you look at her." Red looked away in astonishment, "No they don't" he replied quickly, trying to distract himself with his shoes so the red tint on his face didn't show.

"Alright alright, whatever floats your boat. I'll see you in class on Monday?" Blue asked, leaning on the arched wall. "Yeah, see you" Red walked out, heels still not properly tucked into his sneakers.

He found himself back at his dorm in no time, his mind distracted by Yellow's laugh replaying in his head. He shoved his shoes off at the dorm entrance and walked inside.

"Welcome back" Green said, not turning his attention away from his book. "Thanks" the conversation ended like that before Green looked over and noticed.

"Dude, where are the groceries?"

"Oh shit..." Red said as he realised that he was so distracted talking to Yellow he forgot why he was even at the store in the first place.

"How the hell do you forget to buy food when you're at the store?"

"I'll tell you later" Red sighed as he slipped his shoes back on, shoved his keys into his pocket and headed out again.

hope you enjoyed, sorry it was short! i've been busy.. kinda

rewriting note: finally back to working on this story after like a year... i hate rereading what i've written it's horrid.

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