Chapter 9

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||Yellow's POV||

"Omg, when do the holidays start!" Blue whined

Its a Sunday and me and Blue are studying in the library for our Science exam

"2 weeks Blue"

"Ugh, 2 more godamn weeks"

"I'm sure it'll fly by"

"Yea......Totally, I wanna relax~ I don't wanna study anymore" She says

"But you always end up getting good scores"

"Not as good as yours though"

"In sport you do, the only subject you're not so good is History" I reply

"Hmm true, sport isn't really your best subject and History is your best"

"We shouldn't be talking about other subjects, lets focus on science for now"

"Yea, Science is easy so I'm sure we can ace this exam" She says a little bit more motivated than before

"Hopefully" I say

Sometimes I wonder about Blue's mood swings, she could be on her time of the month but then again she always has mood swings so thats not really an option.

"Greenie!~" I hear Blue shout

"Shh Its a library, be quiet" Green-san replies

"Hehe Woops~"

"Good afternoon Green-san" I greet

"Good afternoon to you to Yellow"

"Greenie~ Science is so hard can you help me?"

"But Blue, you said it was e-" I start

"What're you saying Yellow? I don't remember saying anything like that"

"No, I won't help, You have Yellow anyway, no need for my help" He says as he walks away

"Greenie!" She whines again

"...Blue, lets continue studying" I say

"Fine." She says finally opening her text book

"What time is it" Blue whined. Again

"4:26" I say

"We've been studying for 7 hrs, lets call it a day"

"Yea you're right, we've been here long enough"

She started to pack her things

"I'm going to see if I can find any books before I go" I say pushing my chair back in

"Kay, sure, I'll be waiting at the entrance"

I walk off to see if I can find any interesting books. I plan to read the Sherlock Holmes series, but I really want to buy the whole series instead of reading them in the library. So maybe another series, I'm not a huge fan of the Hunger Games and Divergent or any series similar, they kinda seem to cliche so I usually avoid reading books like that. Same with romance novels, I read a lot but they kinda I guess bore me? I tend to like series related to history maybe stuff like 'Once' or 'The boy in the striped pyjamas' Hitler related series interest me and of course mystery books too.


I check my phone to see who it was

Why are you taking so long!

Sorry! I'll be there soon.

You better be, I'm getting bored of waiting

I went to look around for a bit, hopefully finding a new series to read, I say a book by the same author who wrote 'The boy in the striped pyjamas' John Boyne, it was called 'This House Is Haunted' So I took it a ran to the counter to borrow. I walked out of the library with the book in my hand.

"Took you long enough" Blue said

"Sorry, I couldn't find any books that interested me"

"Well it looks like you found one" She says


"You wanna go and eat?" She asks
"Hm, sure, I'm quite hungry, What do you wanna eat?"

"I'm craving for Phở" Her stomach grumbling thinking about it

"Sounds good, Want to deliver it or eat at a restaurant?"

"Lets get it delivered, and watch a movie while eating" She says heading to the direction of our dorm

"Alright then, I'll call them now so it gets there faster, do you want beef or chicken? Or both?" I ask

"Both~" She replies

"Okay, I'll take beef" I say calling the number

"Hello? Can I get 2 servings of Phở, Blue do you want small or medium?"

She mouthed to me that she wanted medium

"Okay, Um one small beef and one medium chicken and beef. And the address is at the local girls dorm at Professor Oak's school, Okay Okay, Thank you very much" I say

"Alright, lets head back to the dorm now!" Blue says while skipping off happily

We arrived at the dorm and now waiting for our food, we hear the doorbell and Blue goes to get the door, it was the Dorm Care taker, she had our order and handed it to Blue, She bowed and headed back inside

"Our food is here~" She says taking the servings out of the plastic bag

"Here are your chopsticks" She says handing me the packaged chopsticks
I open them and start eating, I could see Blue enjoying hers too.

Yay? Sorry, short chapter. Kinda like a random short chapter, there will be a lot of these, the ones that don't really progress on the story xD Also If you guys don't know what Ph is, its Vietnamese noodles and they taste like bliss (Don't think I'm some kind of white kid, I'm Asian)

I feel like my author notes are longer than the actual story XD But I really want to communicate with my readers~ If you know what I'm saying.

Lol I spelt ph wrong, thank you CraziOtaku200 for correcting me~ <3

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