Chapter 15

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~Date Day~

||Red's POV||

Its finally friday.

I stand there waiting for Yellow in front of the movies, we decided to watch 'Suicide Squad' I honestly didn't expect Yellow to be interested in movies like this but I guess she is.


I turn my head to see Yellow heading over, wearing a light sweater and a skirt. She's so cute.


"Sorry I'm late" she says slightly flushed and tired.

"Its fine, I just got here" I replied

"Well, lets go shall we?" She says heading towards the cinema

I follow her, I ordered our tickets before hand, and of course I'm paying for everything, can't let Yellow pay for things on the first date. The movie starts at 12:00pm, its 11:45am now, we'll probably but some food and then head in.

"Do you wanna buy some popcorn or something?" I ask

"Um sure, if you want" she smiles

"Alright, we will then"

We head off to the counter to buy some popcorn and drinks, its expensive and my wallet was never full but worth it. After ordering the food we hand the tickets to the ticketman(?) I have no idea what they're called, but yea those guys who check our tickets. We then headed in.

"Its 11:55, the doors should open soon" I say

"Yea, are you fine with Suicide Squad? Its too late now but I don't want to watch a movie you're not interested in" she says slightly worried

"Its fine, don't worry I'm good with anything, and Suicide Squad is known to be good so it'll be fine" I reply


The staff open the doors to the cinema and we head in and look for our seats, we got fairly good seats, in the middle but slightly closer to the front. The ads play for about 10 minutes and I think my popcorn is already all gone. The movie finally starts and I turn to look at Yellow, she's immersed.


"I loved it!" She says as we walk out

"It was good" I reply

"Its sad my favourite character had to die though" she pouted a little, it was cute

"Yea.. sad. Do you want to get something to eat?" I asked pointing to maccas

"Sure" she says lining up alongside me

We order our food and talk about the movie for a bit. Apparently Yellow finds Harley Quinn cute.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little hyper today..." Yellow says looking down

"What? No thats fine... I thought you were cute..." I say also looking down

It was awkward silence for a while. We continued to eat, and once we were done we decided to go home, since it was still the long weekends, Yellow was still staying at her home.

We head outside of the large hall "I'll walk you home"

"Eh? Is that alright?" She asked

"Of course, I'm your... you know.... boyfriend after all...."

"Ah... right" she's embarrassed

Its still really awkward to call each other 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' it makes me question how couples call each other 'baby' and 'honey'... Will we ever be calling each other that? How about getting married? Oh my god.

"Ed.. Red-san!"

"Oh. What?"

"We're here"

"What? Already?" I must have been day dreaming a lot, I shouldn't think I should be having those thoughts, Gosh.


"Well, I had a good time" I say

"Me too, see you at school later?" She says opening the front gate

"Yep, see ya" I wave and walk off.

||Yellow's POV||

The date with Red-san was really short.... I hope we could've spent more time with each other. Its 4:09pm at the moment, the movie was 3 hours and it started at 11:45am. But it was fun nonetheless, I'm happy.

"Yellow? Did you eat?" My mother called from downstairs

"Yea, I did"

"Alright, then we'll have dinner late, around 7?"

"Okay!" I replied

I can't wait to see Red-san at school.

||Red's POV||

Oh God. I've been on many dates, but thats the first time I've ever extremely enjoyed it. I'm happy I got to do this.

"God, Red. Stop standing there like an idiot" Green said


"I'm guessing your date went well, it was shorter than expected though."

"Well, it was fun." I state

"Yes yes"

I can't wait to see Yellow at school.

(Accidentally published while editing XD)
I'm sorry its such a short chapter :(

Anyway I just wanted to say thank you guys so so much, I really didn't expect to get so much reads, I have 7k guys, 7.22k! Thats amazing, I didn't think my story would even get 100 reads >< My story definitely isn't the best, and I just wanna say thank you so much.
I appreciate everything that you guys say, and I'm so happy my story even got this far, even with this cliche story line and shitty writing skills.

I love you all. 💕


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