chapter 17

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Green's POV

"I should get a part time job" Red says out of no where. "what?" I ask, "A part time job" he repeats himself 

"Yea I heard that, but why?" I reply. 

"I'm broke. And now the fact that i'm dating, I need money to pay for dates and such" he says, looking through the newspaper for jobs "hmm, well whatever floats your boat" I say, continuing to type my paper that was due in a week. 

"Hey Green! We should get a job together!" Red shouted out of know where. "What? Why?" I ask, also deciding to save my document and continue writing tomorrow. "Well.. I found a job, it's at a cafe and they need two good looking guys" he raises his eyebrows, I look at him like he's insane. "No" 

"please" he pleaded. "No". He moved away from the kitchen counter and walked towards the couch where I was "PLEASE GREEN. I NEED THIS JOB" he shouted in my face. "Do it yourself" I say sighing "But it says don't bother trying out if you don't have 2 people" he says on his knees. "Ugh fine" I say, lifting my body from the couch 

"REALLY? THANKS BRO YOU'RE THE BEST" Red says, jumping up and going back to the kitchen counter where the newspaper was. "The first interview is on saturday at 10:30am" He says, excitement laced into his voice. "alright alright, I'm heading to my room" I say, retreating to my room. 

School that week passed so fast, before I knew it, it was Saturday. "GREEN IT'S 10 LETS GO" he shouts all the way from his room "Calm down bro, we have 30minutes" I say changing into my jeans "Yea I know! But might as well go early!" he yells. I slip into my jacket and pick up my bag from the floor, slinging it over one shoulder, i grab my phone and headed out of the door where Red was waiting "Finally" he says "I didn't even take that long" He looked at me and his eyes were saying 'um yes you did take a long time' i sighed and walked ahead, he soon caught up to me and we continued our way there with a boring conversation.


It's been two weeks since we started our job, the boss seems to really like Red, since he's so 'passionate' about his job. Our shift ended that night and we walked back to the dorm together "It's the 2nd of March, I see why you wanted a job now" I say, pulling out my phone to double check the date "Oh really?" He replied, turning his face in my direction.

"For Yellow's birthday right? Since it's tomorrow and all" I say "Yep~ I've been saving up" He says looking at his pay check "What're you planning to buy her?" I ask "The Panasonic Lumix DMC-G80, since Yellow is into photography, I might as well buy her a camera right?" 

"Hm, smart, how much is it?"

"um.. over $900?" I look at him like he's insane, and he is.
"What the heck bro? That's way too pricey" 

"No it isn't, it's for Yellow! it's worth it~ " He replies with a giddy grin placed on his face. "Yea but do you think she's gonna accept it, she's not the type to accept expensive gifts"

"Oh right..." He looks clueless "Well i'll make her accept it!"

"Whatever you say" I sigh once again, we reached the dorm and decided to call it an early night since we were both tired.

Red's POV

In the morning, 6am to be exact, the package arrived and I opened the box to see the amazingly beautiful camera placed inside, I took out the box and wrapped it in bubble wrap, to make sure, wrapping paper and then I put it inside another box. Better safe than sorry, right? Green woke up a few minutes after that, he signalled to me that he was going to wash up, I nodded my head in response.

 "Well lets head out?" I say to Green who just finished his shower "Uhm, it's 6:40 and we haven't had breakfast" He says in reply "Oh... woops?" 

"I'll get ready and we can eat out yea? I can tell you're excited to give it to her" He says, before heading back to his room to pack his things. I was still in a giddy state when he came out "I would love to smack the grin right off you're face"

Blue's POV

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday dear Yellow, happy birthday to you!~~" I sang as she thanked me and clapped. Yellow who was a year younger than us, just turned 16, she was younger than us because she had started school early.  "It's your sweet sixteen Yellow~" I hand her a present, which was a simple gold necklace "aw thank you Blue! I love it, it's so cute" she says, the gold necklace in hand "All goods~"

We headed out of the dorm and headed to class early, because I'm very sure Red is waiting anxiously, ready to give Yellow her birthday gift. We walked into the classroom, Green and Red already in their respective seats, Red immediately shoots up from his seat and runs up to Yellow, embracing her in a tight hug "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YELLOW" He shouted "Calm down, geez you're so loud" Green said from behind "Happy birthday yellow" Green gestured for Yellow to put her hands out and pulled out a $20 note from his pocket and placed it in Yellow's hands. "Oh, Thank you!" she says

"You're so excited for $20, i wonder how you'll react to Red's present" Yellow looked confused, while Green and I already knew what Red spent all his cha ching cha ching on. I checked the time 7:30, class started at 8:45am so there's still a lot of time left. "Lets open Red's present then!" I say, Red walks off to his bag, and pulls out a large box. 

"Here you go" He hands Yellow the box "Open it now~"
Yellow, sits down at her desk, with us all surrounding her and opens the box to see something wrapped, she opens the wrapping to see even more wrapping which was bubble wrap. "Really Red? Why so much wrapping" He just shrugged in response. Yellow opened the bubble wrap and there was a Panasonic Lumix DMC-G80 in it, which is, a camera for photographing, I think anyway. 

"Oh my gosh, Red.... thank you" She didn't know how to express her thanks so he gave Red a hug and kissed him on the cheek, which led to a blushing Red and Yellow.

It's been over 1 month, sorry for taking so long, i've been busy ya know? school and stuff. Well i wanted to write a little something something for yellow. 

hope you enjoyed, have a great rest of the day~


this is blue's present ^

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this is blue's present ^

this is blue's present ^

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and this is red's ^

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