chapter one

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Yellow cranked her head, raising her eyes to meet with the roof of the large building knowing that this would now be her home for her high school life, it being a boarding school and all. Yellow was a short girl, with a petite body and long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Yellow started to head up to the principal's office to retrieve her schedule and dorm information.


"sorry are you okay?" a boy looking around the same age as Yellow, maybe even older, had bumped into her scattering all of his papers. "ah- yes I'm fine, are you?" Yellow asked worried as she gave a helping hand to pick up his documents. "I'm alright, also thank you," He said as he stood up with all of his papers and walked away waving while once again saying "sorry"

Yellow continued her journey to the principal's office, it was a large school so getting there took a lot of time, it made Yellow notice how big this school was, she was definitely going to get lost when having to move classes - hopefully her classmates would help her out. She had finally arrived at the principal's office, she knocked and then opened the door which revealed a spaced room with a mahogany desk right in the middle and Professor Oak sitting in a large leather chair. "Welcome to my academy, Yellow" Professor Oak gestured for Yellow to come in closer, as Yellow walked closer she bowed as Professor Oak started to hand her her things "This is your dorm key, your map, your class schedule and lastly a pamphlet of the academy, I do hope you enjoy your stay here and of course if you need anything feel free to ask me" Professor Oak said with a smile, Yellow replied with a "thank you!" before leaving the room to find her dorm.

After a few minutes of scanning the numbers of the dorm front doors she finally finds her own and knocks, a beautiful girl with long brown hair and blue eyes had opened the door and immediately clasped her hands and said "You must be Yellow! My new roommate" She smiled as she shook hands with Yellow. "I'm Blue Leaf, call me Blue!" she introduced herself, "I'm Yellow, Yellow Verde" Yellow bowed as Blue showed her inside their dorm. "Oh wow, this place is massive" Yellow muttered to herself. The dorm consisted of three rooms the two bedrooms which also had private bathrooms as well as a joint kitchen and lounge area. "Isn't it? It's crazy big, but what did you expect from a prestigious school like this" Yellow nodded in reply "Well, I have a few things to finish, so I'll be in my room, your room is over there" Blue pointed to the door on the right "Just come by if you need me!" Blue said walking back to her room and closing her door.

Yellow opened the door to her room, the room was extremely simple - walls painted white along with a white queen-sized single bed, a small desk and a shelf. Yellow opened her wardrobe and saw her school uniform, to be worn in a few days, her uniform was a white blouse, along with a navy blazer and navy pleated skirt - there was also light beige sweater and socks, a red tie, and shoes. The uniform was pretty simple but engraved in the blazer was the school logo and was made with high quality material. After looking through her room and even the bathroom she started to unpack, putting her clothes in the wardrobe and towels in the bathroom, getting herself used to her new home. Once settled in she left her room to look around at the kitchen. 'I wonder if Blue knows that guy I bumped into' Yellow pondered as she was opening the kitchen cabinets to see what was where. Maybe I should ask her.

knock knock

"Yes Yellow?" Blue said before even opening the door I guess she was expecting me Yellow thought. "Well, I had a question," Yellow asked "Sure! Come inside" Blue gestured for Yellow to sit on the bed while she sat herself on her desk chair. Her room was pretty much the same as Yellow's with extra decoration and her own touch.

"Well? What did you want to ask?" Blue questioned, "Actually, I was wondering if you knew someone, I bumped into this guy earlier on my way to Professor Oak's office, he has spiky jet black hair and was wearing a red cap and red t-shirt as well as jeans i think?" Yellow was trying to remember what he looked like "I think I might know" Blue said before turning her wheely chair around and opening her first drawer taking out a photograph "Is this him?" Blue pointed to a guy with black hair, he was standing next to Blue and another boy but with brown hair. "That's him!" Yellow exclaimed "That's Red Fire, he's a close friend of mine, and the guy next to him is Green Oak, my to-be-boyfriend" Blue winked "He's Professor Oak's grandson by the way" She said before sitting down next to Yellow on the bed "Oh, wow, so do you guys like each other?" Yellow asked, sincerely curious. "That I'm not sure of, I like him I guess?" Blue said "I never really confirmed my feelings properly" Yellow nodded in reply. "So what made you so curious about Red?" Blue grinned as she nudged Yellow's arm.

"Uhm, he just seemed nice? I guess he caught my eye" Yellow said slightly embarrassed about the situation "Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out, after all, he's going to be in your class - your homeroom class is with all of us!" Blue said excitedly. "We're all in the same class?" Blue hummed in agreement before standing up and opening her last drawer, taking out a photo album "Want to see more pictures?" Blue asked "Yes! Definitely" Yellow said enthusiastically.


hi, so this story has been rewritten about two times and this is my third time. my old writing is just so damn bad so i have to rewrite it otherwise i'd die from embarrassment. none of the plot has changed though, everything is relatively the same, i only fixed up bad english mistakes and elaborated on the story + added details. the biggest difference is probably the original was written in the first person, but now the story is written in the third person, i did so it is easier to be able to express all the character's thoughts and opinions without having the change pov all the time, i hope you can understand!

but if this is your first time here, welcome! you can call me anything you want, and i'm a huge fan of pokespe and pokemon in general, i really do hope you enjoy this extremely bad story of mine (i update like every six months btw) and don't expect too much from it lmao. 

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