Chapter 16

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||Blue's POV||

"Hey, did you hear about the new student?" Omg, a new student? I have a very bad feeling.
"Morning everyone!" I greeted, then hearing everyone saying morning as a reply, I sat down in my seat. "So did you guys hear about the new student?" Red asked just as I sat down "Yeah" Green replied, I nodded, Yellow looked clueless though. "New student?" Yellow questioned. "Yeah! Everyone's talking about it" Red replied grabbing Yellow by the shoulder and pulling her closer

"Yah, no pda!" I shouted, Red stuck his tongue out as a reply and Yellow couldn't stop blushing. Lately Red has been more confident in their relationship, he isn't as nervous, which I find good for their relationship. "Is the new student in our year level?" Yellow asked

"No, I heard it was in Gold's year level, so a year younger than us" I replied
"Oh, so with Gold-san, Crystal-san and Silver-san?" I nodded and turned back to the front as a I heard the teacher come in. "Alright everyone. Attention!"
The first two periods ended fine and when the bell for recess called everyone ran out of the class.

"Hey lets go see Gold, and the others!" Red shouted, we all agreed and ran off to the lower level.

"Hey! Look it's Red-senpai!" Gold shouted as soon as he saw us heading their way. "Yah, we're here too" I said hitting him on the head.
"Sorry sorry, hello Green-senpai, Yellow chan & Blue-senpai" he said bowing lightly, the other two also bowing their heads. "Yellow-chan?" I looked at him questionably "it's a cute isn't it? It matches Yellow" he said, i just shrugged.

"So what're you doing here? Not to be rude or anything" Crystal asked "we were wondering about the new student" Red said. "Oh, that's him" Crystal pointed to a boy, about a little taller than Yellow, he had black hair and blue eyes, quiet looking, probably a introvert. "His name is Kageru Ryu" Silver said. "Anyway, enough about him, how's your relationship" Gold asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's going very good, thank you very much" Red said with a large grin planted on his face, while Yellow, once again, is bright as a tomato.

"Oh my god! Did you see the new student, he's so cute" I turned my head to see some girls from Crystal's year level 'fangirling' over the new kid, first impressions he doesn't look that attractive but now that I look at him again he's good looking.

"What're you looking at"

"Just the new kid, Greenie~ you jealous?~"
"Pft, you wish" he turned away, then saying "hey lets go, unless you don't wanna eat something"

Recess ended shortly after that. Red, me and Green had class downstairs while Yellow went upstairs for her science class, we bidded her goodbye and headed to our classes.

||Yellow's POV||

I ran up the stairs, wanting to get to class early, but then I felt someone tap my shoulder as I reached the top of the staircase. "Um"
"Yes?" I turned around to see the new boy, Kageru Ryu was it?
"Could you please help me?" He asked, I of course replied with a yes. "What do you need help with?"
"I'm not to sure where to get to this class" he pointed to the class on his schedule, and it was the class right next to mine "Oh, I'm heading to that area as well, want to walk with me?" He nodded and we headed off to the science department. We arrived in front of the class, luckily it was still quite early, I was about to head off into my class until he spoke up "uhm, what's your name?" he asked shyly. "Oh, i'm Yellow De Verde, just call me Yellow though, what's your name?" I asked even though I knew the answer "Kageru Ryu, you can call me Ryu" he said "Ryu-kun then?" I said questionably "yeah, that's fine... thank you!" He said before leaving and walking inside his class. Well that was interesting.

I met up with the others at lunch, we sat at our normal table. "How was science Yellow?" Blue asked. "It was nice, I actually bumped into Ryu-kun on the way" I said picking up my chopsticks "Ryu-kun?"
"Oh, he was lost and he was looking for his classroom, and since our classroom's were next to each other we walked there together, he said I could call him Ryu-kun"

"Wait, who even is 'Ryu-kun'" Red-san asked. "He's the new student, Kageru Ryu, remember?" Green-san answered for me. Red-san just left his mouth open motioning 'ohhhh'. "Well don't get too close to him" Red-san said in defense, taking my hand into his.

"Oooo someone's jelly" I heard Blue say from the opposite side of the table. I choked on my food, embarrassed. "Oh my god are you alright?" Blue said laughing while Green-san handed me a napkin "Yeah I'm fine" I could feel Red-san patting my back with a sorry face.

School ended shortly after that, Red-san and I decided to go to the convenience store before heading back to the dorms, I'm really starting to get comfortable with Red-san and it's nice. "Hey Yellow..."


"You don't have to add 'san' anymore, just call me Red okay? Same with Green. We're all close with each other so no need for honourifics"

"Oh... okay" I said, blushing a little.

OmG i HAve nOt uPDatEd in AGes, SorRY, i'VE beEn sOoO lAzy ReCently
anyway, i think i've gone rusty, this chapter is all over the place, i just really wanted to add Ryu~ i was planning on having him as one of the cold guys but he ended up becoming cute and stuff. also with red & yellow's relationship, thinking about their personalities i can't really think of any fights they could get into.
well i hope you enjoyed the short chapter~ have a good rest of the day~

-not edited btw i can't be stuffed re-reading-

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