christmas special #1

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Platina finds herself waking up and remembering that Christmas was the day after the next, she had yet to buy bigger presents for her closest friends, Diamond and Pearl. "I completely forgot" She states to herself as she gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to wash up. Once she was done, she checks in her drawer which contained smaller presents for all of her other friends, she counts all of them to make sure that they were all there and done. Platina grabs her scarf from the hook and heads out to the lounge area of her dorm. There she sees Serena, her dorm mate already awake, watching the television with a mug of coffee in her hands. "Morning Platina!" She cheerfully greets. "Good morning, Serena, how are you?" the blue haired girl appealed.

"Haha, no need to be formal, but i'm doing great thanks" Platina nods and mentions how she needs to go out to buy gifts for her friends.

"Alright, have fun" Serena waves to her, "Oh, wait before you go" Serena stands up and puts her coffee on the table. "I made some coffee for you" She pours the coffee into a thermal mug and hands it to her. "I made it sweet, how you like it" Serena noted as she handed the mug to Platina. 

"Thank you very much Serena, I appreciate it" Platina took the coffee and waved to the brunette and left the dorms.

Platina muffles her mouth into her scarf and leaves the females dorm, remembering to bring her ID card with her. She walks towards the central mall and goes inside to look for a gift for the two dorky boys in her life.

It wasn't easy to find something for the two, Platina literally had zero clue on what to buy, they never showed any specific interest in anything besides Diamond's addiction to food. Platina paced around different stores in search of a gift but to avail. Platina left her dorm at 9 and it was currently 12pm, three hours of looking but she came out with nothing. "I'm hungry" She mumbled to herself as she spotted a small diner in her peripheral vision.

She walks in and stares at the menu on the wall before being alerted by a voice that called out her name, Platina recognised the voice and turned around to see the two boys that just happened to be the ones she was searching for a gift for. Pearl motioned for her to come sit down with them, and so she did.

"What are you doing here alone?" Pearl pondered, "I was searching for gifts" She said, smiling at the two.

"For who? I thought you already bought gifts for everyone?" Pearl questioned once more. Platina didn't exactly know if she wanted to reveal that she was in search of presents for them. Diamond and Pearl looked at her curiously when she stayed quiet for a bit.

"For you two" She said, thinking that she could at least find out what they wanted and buy it for them now, it didn't exactly need to be surprise. "But I wasn't able to find anything because I didn't know what you guys would have wanted" she concurred, feeling disappointed in herself.

"Actually... Dia and I were out looking for something to give you, and we couldn't think of anything as well" Pearl explained, as Diamond nodded in agreement. "So how about we go shopping together, all three of us, to buy presents for each other?" Diamond suggested, stuffing the rest of his food in his mouth.

"Sounds like a good idea, you okay with the Platina?" Pearl asked, looking over in her direction. 

"Of course" She responded, feeling a bit better at her past failure.

"But first, let me eat, I'm famished" She said, gesturing to the waiter to come over.

The three ended up shopping together for hours, arguing about what to buy for each other, in the end decided on matching items so they got matching shirts, sweaters and mugs.


i'm extremely sorry for putting this story off for so long, to make up for my almost four months of inactiveness, i decided to put out five short stories about the characters leading up the christmas, i hope you will enjoy all of them!

the sinnoh trio in my opinion are the most wholesome and have the sweetest friendship ever, i also decided to have serena as her roommate because i wanted to include some of the other regional characters as well. and serena was chosen because i love her and she's adorable and in my opinion the x and y characters are some of the better designed characters in pokemon (specifically in the game). 

when i decided for them to buy matching items, i thought of the mugs and sweaters having more simple, generic christmas designs but for the t-shirt, i wanted it to have it just white with the words "fighting spirit" on it, reminiscent to the head-bands that platina would wear when training for a gym battle in the manga.

20 december 2018

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