christmas special #3

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There were three knocks on the door before Ruby approached the front door to open it, when the door creaked open, he looked down to see his dorm mate Emerald with his luggage in his hands. "What happened, why are you home so early?" Ruby asked, knowing that Emerald had returned home to spend time with his family for Christmas.

"Well, my family booked tickets overseas and left three days after I got home, so I'll be spending Christmas and New Years here at the dorm" The short boy explained, before looking up at the red eyed boy and asking "Why do you look so tired?"

"Well... Just come inside" Ruby gestured for him to come inside instead of explaining his situation. When Emerald walked into his dorm, it was a mess, fabric and accessories were tossed all over the furniture in the main living room. "What in the world?" Emerald exclaimed, surprised to see Ruby of all people being so messy.

"Usually when you sew stuff it doesn't take long and it doesn't create a disaster in our living space"

"I wanted to make something perfect for Sapphire to wear! We'll be spending Christmas together inside of her dorm, since her roommate isn't home, and I want her to wear something beautiful and festive" Ruby joyfully span around, excited just thinking about it. 

"Can you guys just get married already?" Emerald mumbled under his breath, Ruby looked towards his direction, "Pardon?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it"

"Anyway, are you going to confess? You're obviously obsessed about her and harboured your feelings for who knows how longs, you should stop being a coward and say something." Emerald looked at Ruby, the taller boy took off his glasses and sighed. "No, I won't. I'm waiting for her. I want her to realise her feelings, because If I push my feelings onto her she'll just accept it without realising whether or not she has the same feelings as I do, I'd rather not have a one-sided relationship." 

"Plus, I've been waiting for who knows how long now, I can wait a few years more" A smile appeared on his face

"You really do love her, don't you" Emerald also couldn't stop himself from smiling, he wanted his friends to be happy together. But before Ruby could reply there were loud, harsh knocks at their door. 

Emerald went ahead to open the door for their noisy guest, he already knew who it was and when the door opened to reveal the guest he wasn't surprised in the least. "Why'd ya take so long?" Sapphire asked, allowing herself in.

Emerald rolled his eyes, "Well pardon me for being two knocks late"

"Why is your dorm so messy?" She asked looking around, "Ruby is in a sewing rut" 

"That's rare" She commented.

"I of course, need to make only the utmost perfection, this upcoming project is for you Sapphire and you have to wear it on our Christmas date"

"It's not a date! You know what, Emerald you're joining us on Christmas!" Ruby shifted his glance to Emerald and gave him that if you agree I will not be happy about it look

"Not thanks, I've got my own things to do" Emerald hesitated

"It'll be just you and me" Ruby swooned, he put his glasses back on and decided to get back to work. "You guys can stay if you want, but I seriously need to get work done so don't talk to me" He warned the two before putting his head down and getting hard at work with this so-called perfect dress.

Sapphire and Emerald sat themselves down on the couch, not really knowing what to do. "So why did you come here in the first place?" Emerald asked "Well, I was bored because my dorm mate isn't here so I came to visit ya! Well I was only expecting to see Ruby, weren't you at home with your family?" She pondered. "No, I was going to spend Christmas with them but they ended up booking a trip overseas and left without me, so I'm back here" Emerald said, a slight bit dejected. "But I don't mind" He convinced himself that it's okay "It'll be fun here with everyone else anyway."

"Hey wanna play some games?" Sapphire asked, pointing towards the PS4 "Hell yeah" Emerald replied, standing up to retrieve the controllers.


The trio didn't notice it when hours had long gone, Ruby repeatedly re-designing and making the dress he wanted Sapphire to wear for him while Emerald and Sapphire were deep inside their game, they were loud but that didn't bother Ruby in the least - as he was, of course, happy to hear Sapphire having fun.

The clock hit 10pm when Ruby finally shouted "Finished!" He leaned back on his chair and massaged his shoulders, numb after sitting in the same position for hours on end. Sapphire and Emerald by then had fallen asleep without turning off the TV or the console. Ruby sat up and tidied his area a bit before heading towards the TV and turning it off for the two.

He shrugged Emerald awake, "Hey wake up" He whispered, nudging the shorter boy. Emerald opened his eyes, and looked around confused. "It's 10pm, go back to your room and sleep" Emerald nodded without thinking and left for his room. Ruby took Sapphire into his arms and brought her to his room. He looked down at her and smiled before gently placing her down on the bed and snuggling up beside her. 

"Goodnight Sapphire, sweet dreams and early merry christmas."


It is currently 11:50pm, i completely rushed this chapter and wrote it in 50minutes, surprisingly i finished and got it done before tomorrow started. it's rushed and not very christmasy but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!

this chapter is centered around the hoenn trio, and i made ruby a bit more, i guess, whipped and i made sapphire less rowdy then she usually is. sapphire was actually my first favourite pokespe character because may was my favourite pokegirl in the anime series but it soon changed to yellow and blue after rereading it.

-completely rushed, not edited or proof read, i apologise for any mistakes-

22 december 2018

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