background information

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hello! the author here! (idk what to call myself jdskj) anyway i wanted to write this to clear up a bit on the foundations of the characters and the school to make it a bit easier to understand!

professor oak's academy is a prestigious boarding school, you don't need to be particularly wealthy to be able to enrol, you can either be really smart or your family has good connections. school's are never fair, i'm telling you now. the campus itself is large, there are two main buildings which are connected with a bridge(?) kinda, more like a hallway - these main buildings serve as the classrooms, cafeteria, hall, gym, etc. 

along with those buildings there are the dorms which are on the opposite side, there are two dorms one for the female and one for the male students, there are 4 floors to each and some room two people while some room three people. 

then there's the shopping area, which include places like a bookstore, convenience store, art store, sport store, and a grocery store. the stores mainly serve as a place for students to buy supplies and food from.

and lastly the school holds students from year 7 to year 12, so in some places around the world that includes both middle and high school - but for me, i live in australia btw, that's just how normal high school works. and the reason i did this was to be able to include the pokedex holders from kanto-sinnoh in one school while having them in different year levels.

now onto the characters, this will be brief! i added short backstories to the main characters and made them somewhat similar to the characters' past from the official manga.

yellow - main character

yellow (full name: yellow amarillo del bosque verde, or yellow verde for short) is in year 11 and is 16 years old (meaning she started school early which is fine for people if their birthday is before may, her birthday is in march btw). her parents' work is located overseas so she didn't previously live with them, but rather she lived with her uncle who's a fisher. as mentioned before she lived in viridian forest, in a small cottage home - it isn't completely isolated in the forest though as it's close to the neighbouring town. but now of course she lives in the dorms alongside her dorm-mate blue. 

blue - main character

blue leaf is also in year 11 but she is 17. she lived in pallet town but moved to a larger city with her relatives due to family issues (i'm not going to go deep into this because it most likely won't be mentioned in the main story). when she lived in pallet town though she was friends with green and red but sadly had to say her goodbyes - she promised them she would meet them again one day. 

red - main character

red fire, once again year 11 and 17 years old. was born and raised in pallet town, doesn't have a father so professor oak was more of a fatherly figure to him, red treated him like a role model. best friends with green and constantly wanted to compete with him to know which of them was better at anything specific. also had pet tadpoles, his favourite was named poli.

green - main character

green oak, professor oak's grandson. green is the most well-off out of the main characters, he doesn't exactly live luxuriously but pretty nicely, thanks to his grandfather. his parents would be constantly working when he was younger so he grew up with professor oak, and treats him like his real father. had a pet praying mantis which would often try to eat red's tadpoles.

!side characters!

johto line - gold, silver and crystal.

year 10 and all 16 years old - met each other when first coming to this school and become immediate friends despite their personality differences. 

silver is childhood friends with blue, they met each other when blue first came to the large city as she got herself lost but silver helped her. 

crystal rooms with white.

i'm also not planning to have any kind of relationships including these three, sorry for those preciousmetal and mangaquest shippers out there!

hoenn line - ruby, sapphire and emerald.

year 9, ruby and sapphire are 15 while emerald is 14 (his birthday is in may, and should technically be in the year level under but somehow convinced professor oak to put him in year 9 because he didn't want to be treated like a kid)

a/n i make up the rules here ok, not all of this can be serious

ruby and sapphire were previously childhood friends, but sapphire moved away and they never saw each other since meeting each other in school. didn't notice that it was each other until they became closer as friends - both have feelings for each other and have admitted it (took a while because they were stubborn) but aren't yet dating.

emerald transferred into the school a year later, and sapphire immediately befriended him because she thinks he looks cute.

sapphire rooms with whi-two/whitley/mei (whatever you wanna call her)

sinnoh line - platinum, diamond and pearl

year 8 and all 14 years old. (wow i love children.)

dia and pearl are childhood friends and have known each other since birth since their parents were close friends. pretty much brothers at this point. pearl as a kid loved comedians and wanted to create a standup duo including him and dia and they practiced for that a lot but lost the time to once school starting getting harder.

platina grew up in the wealthiest family of them all and is incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable but lacks in experience. parents doted on her but weren't around a lot due to their busy lives, her butler was and still is like a guardian to her. platina rooms with serena/y.

once again, i'm not planning to have a relationship between any of these but that might change since i don't think it would be too bad to have a polyamorous relationship between the three because i sincerely think they really fit that and can't possibly be split up in any kind of way because they're literally glue - also i love poly relationships because i think they're adorable and the sinnoh trio are adorable. but no guarantees of course!

they all met each other through each other. (red was friends with gold and crystal roomed with white who was friends with whitley who roomed with sapphire who was friends with pearl and diamond due to similar interests - causing all of them to sooner or later become close friends.)


that's all folks! 

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