christmas special #4

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20th december - shopping for presents with blue

21st december - shopping for christmas decorations with blue

22nd december - going out to eat with blue, red and yellow (aka double date!)

23rd december - movie date with blue

24th december - dinner date with blue

25th december - !christmas!

Green stared down at his schedule, he was already tired from just looking at it. His girlfriend had taken the chance to make as many plans as possible with him and taken the liberty to write it down in his planner. Though he didn't hate going out, six days in a row was going to be extremely tiring for the less-energetic half of the relationship. Well I guess I'm just going to have to deal with it.

Green knew what was coming when he decided to accept Blue's feelings and commit to the relationship, when they were just friends they would usually only have a Christmas party and he knew there was going to be more now that they're lovers, but six days in a row?

"We could've done all of this in three days, why have to double it?" Green sighed, already feeling his energy being drained.


"Come on Green! Many friends means many presents" Blue rushed the boy and tugged his arm, which was a sign that today was most likely going to be the worst of them all. 

The brunette dragged her boyfriend for hours on end buying presents for all of their friends, plus for their families. "Need to buy something for my future parents in law after all!" Implying that in the future the two will get married. "Also for Daisy! What do you think she would want?"

"I have no idea" Green scratched his head, "But you're her brother aren't you? Anyway how is she? She's in college right?"

"She's doing alright, she calls every now and then, she's studying to become a science researcher." Green informed. "Oh! She's still with Bill right? They're so cute together" Blue swooned over their sweet relationship.

After approximately 4 hours of shopping the two find themselves sitting down at a cafe taking a break, the amount of shopping bags has accumulated next to them, "We sure bought a lot didn't we? Luckily none of us have work over the holidays!" 

Actually I did have work but I asked to get a few days off Green thought, "I gotta do what I gotta do" Green mumbled quietly enough so that his girlfriend couldn't hear. They had some coffee but it wasn't long before Blue was up on her feet and dragging her boyfriend around the mall once again.


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