Chapter 13 ō3ō

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||Blue's POV||

Yellow came home late, she said she was at the library, she was obviously embarrassed and hiding something. So being the usual Blue I asked her
"Whats wrong? Something happen?" And that leads us to what we're doing now.

"Well... Um" Yellow started, blushing
"Come on, spill the beans" I said a bit impatiently

"Well, Red-san was at the library..... And um"


"Well he wanted to talk about yesterday and we did, and he said he liked me and I said I liked him back"
She said, way to fast.

"....WAIT SO RED CONFESSED?!" A slow the reaction but a reaction nonetheless

"Yes..." She said embarrassed


"yes......" She looked down


"Um... I'm not to sure, we didn't say anything after that, he just took the subway back with me" she said

"Omg this is serious! You guys should start dating!" I said overly excited
"and get Tanaka out of the way" I mumbled the last part

"P-pardon?" She looks up

"Oh don't worry" I say grinning.

||Green's POV||

"So where were you? I ask, I usually don't care but I had to survive a night with Gold's whining

"Um, at the library" He answers

"You don't like the library Red, where were you?" I ask again

"No seriously, I was at the library" He replies

"Okay then, what were you doing at the library" he better have a good excuse

"To see Yellow......" He says blushing a bit

"Yellow? Why?" I ask

"Um well....." He looks down, fiddling with his fingers "Don't tell me, you confessed?" I ask, he blushes even more.

Bulls eye.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to confess that fast" I say

"Mhmm... Wait what! What do you mean" he says scowling

"well, you're a coward" I reply

"What! I'm no coward!" He replies crossing his arms

"Uhuh, anyway what did she say? Did she reject you?" I ask picking up a book that was on the coffee table

"No... She didn't... She said she liked me for a while now" He says

"Eh, kinda obvious" I say reading

"What? You knew she liked me!" He said a but more loudly

"Well congrats, you guys dating now?" I ask

"Yah! Answer my question" He shouts
"Yea, I did know, now answer mine" I say

"Huh... Oh no we aren't dating, well I don't think so, we didn't say anything after that" He says looking at the ground again

"Wow, well you should ask her out and I'm hungry so go order some take out" I say turning the TV on and watching whatever is on. Red picks up the phone, "What do you want?" He asks

"I'm craving pizza" I reply

"Okay, pizza it is" he says.

The pizza delivery guy came, we ate our pizza and decided to sleep early.

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