chapter two

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Yellow woke up to her alarm clock on her phone ringing 6:34am The phone read, Yellow got out of bed and immediately headed to the bathroom to take a shower and wash herself up. By the time she got out it was 6:45am, having put on the school uniform she looked at herself in the mirror not too shabby She thought. She took her hairdryer and started blow-drying her hair while she looked over the schedule for the day, she was slightly nervous about starting her first day but she thinks it'll go well. Yellow finished packing her bag and left for the kitchen, it was around 7am by then. She started cooking breakfast and lunch for both her and Blue. Breakfast was a simple meal of pancakes and lunch was rice with fried vegetables and omelette. Hopefully Blue will like it Yellow goes over the food once again checking everything was okay.

"Morning" Blue said leaving her room wearing the school uniform, the difference between how Blue wore the uniform and how Yellow wore the uniform was only that Blue decided to wear her sweater underneath her blazer and she didn't wear stockings like Yellow.

"Oh, wow you made breakfast?" She exclaimed looking at the food nearly drooling "Yep!"

"I am so glad you're my roommate" Both of the girls laughed before sitting down at the table and digging in. "Your lunch is on the table" Yellow pointed to a bento that was wrapped up, Blue quickly did the dishes and they both left their dorm - on their way to class. They both walked across the campus heading towards the building of their year level. "Good morning everyone!" Blue shouted as she aggressively opened the door, not many people were there but the ones who were all greeted back enthusiastically. I'm not surprised that many people know Blue Yellow thought as she walked into the classroom trailing after Blue.

Blue sat down in her seat and gestured for Yellow to sit beside her. "Since it's the new year we're allowed to choose our seats!" She exclaimed. Yellow and Blue spent awhile discussing their schedules, Blue also telling her which way to go for all her classes because they won't be having all the same classes together.

It wasn't until a while later that Green showed up, "Green!" Blue shouted motioning for Green to come over to her "This is Yellow, she's the new student as well as my new roommate"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Green Oak," He said shaking hands with Yellow politely, Yellow bowed in reply saying "Very nice to meet you as well"

"You arrived a lot later than expected," Blue said turning her chair around to face Green. "Ah yea, well Red wouldn't wake up, I tried but he just wouldn't and it was already getting late so I left without him" He replied taking his books out of his bag for the first class. The bell is about to go off in about 10 minutes or so Yellow thought as she stared at the clock right above the whiteboard. "So is it like you expected?" Blue asked

"The school?" Yellow asked, Blue nodded in confirmation "It's a lot more casual then I expected, since it's such a rich school I thought it'd be more strict" Yellow answered "My grandfather wanted the academy to more welcoming for people of all status so it's pretty casual, most of the classes are like how a usual school would work - the content we learn is a lot harder then a normal government or public school would offer though. " Green said. "That makes a lot of sense" Yellow replied, also deciding to get out her books for the first two periods. The first two periods are english and history but luckily since it's the first day it's going to be more of an introduction and getting to know each other kind of class, well that's what Blue told me anyway. Yellow thought.

"Okay everybody, homeroom is about to start so please go back to your seats," The homeroom teacher said before pulling out the class roll. "Before I start calling out the roll, we have a new student in class today - Yellow would you please come up to introduce yourself?" Yellow got out of her seat and headed to the front of the class, bowing she said "I'm Yellow Verde, pleased to meet all you, I hope you can take care of me" she said. "Thank you Yellow, everyone be nice to Yello-"

"Sorry, I'm late!" Red rushed into the class, out of breath. He's that guy i bumped into

"You're late again, Red, I expected you to at least come early on the first day of school but I guess some people never change" The teacher sighed before saying "Please go sit down, Yellow you may also take a seat" Both Yellow and Red headed to their seats and respectively sat down. "Red, this is Yellow, she's new" Blue whispered to Red before facing the front of the class. Red nodded and turned his head to look at Yellow "Oh, you're that girl I bumped into the other day, sorry and thanks" He said quietly. "Ah, yea, no problem and I'm also sorry" Yellow replied.

The first two periods ended quickly, and Blue led Yellow to their usual sitting place for recess and lunch. "Alright everybody, this is Yellow, she's a new student and will be hanging out with us from now on, she's also my roommate," Blue said to a large group of people sitting in an empty grass area of the school. "This is such a large group" Yellow pointed out. "Yea, in fact, there's like 4 different year levels here, we all hang out together and are great friends but sometimes we bunch up into groups of the same age," Red said laughing a little. "Indeed! We're the eldest out of all of them, so we're the seniors. And you already know us, Red, Green and me, Blue!" Blue said pointing the Green and Red. 

"We're the second eldest!" I'm Gold, this is Silver" A boy with unruly hair and bright gold said pointing to himself and then to another boy but with red hair "And I'm Crystal, do please call me Kris though!" A girl with blue hair tied up in pigtails said waving at Yellow. "I'm Ruby, and this is Sapphire and Emerald" A black-haired boy said gesturing to a brunette and a boy who looked a lot more younger than all of them. "I'm Platina Berlitz, It's a pleasure to meet you and this is Pearl and Diamond, we're the youngest," A beautiful girl with graceful posture said, "Call me Dia!" another boy said stuffing his face with food, along with a blonde boy telling him to slow down.

"I hope you guys get along with Yellow!" 


here's the next chapter! i know my writing is shit and god who knows who even reads my book but i hope ya'll enjoy!

the rewriting continues :^I

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