Chapter 11~

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||Yellow's POV||

I ran and quickly opened the dorm room "Yellow? You alright?" Blue turned her head looking at the door which just swung open

"Oh.... I'm fine..." I say walking down and joining Blue on the couch. "Fine huh? You're all red, wait did something happen with Red?" She asked tilting her head to make eye contact, I could feel my blush slowly get warmer.

"Something did happen!" She exclaimed "It was an accident..." I whispered

"Accident? Do tell!"
"Well I was running.... And Red-san wasn't paying attention..... And.... We bumped into each other a-and..... And.... We" I started extremely embarrassed

"You what? Kissed or something?"

Spot on.

I knew my face was as red as an tomato.

"YOU KISSED?! The heck... That only happens in shoujo manga! Not real life" she said slumping back on the couch and turning her head to the T.V and back

"Well... It did..." I said loud enough for her to hear

"Well shouldn't you be happy? I mean you like Red, right?" She said taking the remote and turning the T.V off

"I am happy.. But just I don't know, I just don't...." I said looking at my hands, I started fiddling thinking about how awkward it'll be tomorrow
"You'll be fine, why don't we watch a movie, have dinner and get to bed early yea? I'm sure you'll know what to do in the morning" She said holding up a CD for some kind of movie

"Yea, that sounds nice" I say getting up and stretching a bit.

"I'll get the movie ready, you go cook the rice and come back okay? The rice should be cooked by the time the movie is done"

Blue says turning the T.V on once again. "Yea, okay" I say heading off to the kitchen.

||Red's POV||

I walked back to the dorm contemplating on what to do, knowing Yellow she's probably embarrassed... I don't think she's happy, maybe even upset... I mean I stole her first kiss, was that even her first kiss? I can't see Yellow dating anyone else. I can't see her dating in general.

"Red!" I heard someone shout

"Hm?" I turned my head and it was Tanaka-san.

"Good afternoon Red, how are you?" She leaned in

"I'm good Tanaka-san, you?" I said attempting to avoid eye contact

"You don't have to call me Tanaka, just call me Megumi!" She said succeeding in keeping eye contact.

"Megumi-san..?" I said a bit uncomfortable

"No need for the san!  Just Megumi is fine" she said smiling gleefully

"Ifeel a little but disrespectful without the honourifics, so I'll just stick with it" I said moving back a bit for some space

"Hm, okay if you're fine with that" she said leaning back

"Well I need to get back to the dorm now, I'll see you later alright?" I wave and walk off to the dorm, I see her wave back, when she turned away I sped up a bit just in cause she calls me back.

"Well you're back later than expected" I hear a similar cold voice as I open the door

"Well yea, things happened" I said rubbing the back of my neck

"I didn't ask but okay, how was the studying?" He asks and that jerks my memory

"Oh! I completely forgot! Thanks for reminding me" I say opening my room door, I could hear Green sighing and face palming. I forgot about studying, but the good thing is all this revision and work will get Yellow out of my mind, not to mention exams are tomorrow so I think she'll be to focused on the tests and not what happened earlier! Now to get to work.

||Tanaka's POV||

I walked out of the hall pretending I saw nothing and quickly ran off into Red's direction, lets see how he feels about this, I wonder if he'll act differently, If he does that will make it so much harder to get him.

"Red!" I shout out in a girly and somewhat annoying voice

"Hm?" He turned his head

"Good afternoon Red! How are you" I ask trying to start a conversation

"I'm good Tanaka-san, you?" He avoided eye contact.

"You don't have to call me Tanaka, Just call me Megumi!" I say in a very high pitch and making eye contact.

"Megumi-san....?" He seemed a but uncomfortable

"No need for san! Just Megumi is fine" He stepped back, I could tell he was getting very uncomfortable

"I feel a little but disrespectful without the honourifics, so I'll just stick with it" he said moving back a bit more 

"Hm, okay if you're fine with that" I responded

"Well I need to get back to the dorm now, I'll see you later alright?" He waves and walks away, I just wave and smile. I turn away and head to the girls dorm I can hear him speeding up a little.

This is a sticky situation, if this continues that means Yellow and Red will surely get together, well at least find out about their stupid little crushes, If I want Red that means I need to ruin this little friendship they have, maybe If I create some kind of misunderstanding, That Blue girl is probably a little over protective, so if Red hurts her then Blue probably wont let Yellow around Red anymore, but there is also a possibility of Blue finding out, not to mention its a very cliche plan. Hmmm I need to figure out something, something smart.
I'm talking to myself like a weirdo. Like I'm some kind of villain, gosh.

||Yellow's POV||

I don't want to go to school at all, I feel sick and tired, but I have exams and I really shouldn't miss out. Ugh.

"Yellow?" Blue knocked and walked in

"You alright? You're usually up by now" She walks to my bed "I'm alright, just a but tired and feverish" I sit up.

"You should stay home" She says checking my forehead

"But we have exams.." I whisper

"Don't worry, you can catch up tomorrow, its not like exams take a whole day" She says

"True, but still...."

"Still nothing, you're going to stay home alright? And its a good way to avoid Red, is it not?" She says. I completely forgot about Red-san

"Yea....." I lie back down and pull the covers over my head

"Your fever isn't high but it isn't small either, theres some medicine in the fridge and we have left over dinner from last night" She says heading for the door

"Okay" I say under the covers

"Well I'm off!" She waves, I wave back. I think I'll just sleep a bit more.
My eyes slowly open, I sit up and wait for a bit so I can adjust to the light. I check my phone, its 11:33am, they should of started their exams now, I'm very sure they start at 11:30. I should get something to eat and take my medicine. I walk to the kitchen and microwave our leftover dinner, its really quiet when Blue's not around.
I wonder what I should do about Red-san tomorrow, I'll have extra lessons for my exams since I missed out today so maybe I'll just avoid him, I don't know....

||Red's POV||

Yellow's not here today, I'm not sure if thats a good thing or not. I can here Blue telling what happened to Green...

"Wow, Yellow probably feels really awkward. Red." He says, his tone changes when he says my name.
"What! Its not my fault! It was an accident!" I shout

"Calm down Mr. It was an accident, I know, I ain't stupid and you're not bold enough to kiss that innocent little girl." Blue just giggles along.
He's right. I don't want it to be awkward around us, I think she'll avoid me tomorrow.

The next chap wont be up until a while.
Hope you enjoyed ^^

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