chapter 19

732 21 35

Yellow's POV

Today was finally the day of the school festival, everyone was prepared and excited for the big day ahead. The school was packed first thing in the morning, everyone was busy checking all the final details. I walk into the costume preparation room for the play.

"Oh Yellow! Can you help me with this?" Someone shouted from the other side of the room
"Hm? Oh, sure!" I speed walk to her. "Some of the stitching came loose in on the Beauty's dress, can you fix it please?" She pleads "Of course" I reply sitting down at the sewing machine.

"Seems like you're being helpful" Blue says from behind me, I turn around surprised at the voice "Blue!"

"You look great!"

"You did a good job making these" she replies

"Aha, It wasn't only me, we did it all together," I say gesturing to the other girls who helped with the creation of the costumes. "Oh yea, I saw Red looking through some restaurant brochures, looks like a date if you ask me" Blue whispers into my ear, I can feel myself getting flustered.


9:30am, the official festival had started. The gates were opened and everyone came rushing in, relatives, friends, relatives of friends, neighbouring schools were all here to see the school festival of the most prestigious school in the prefecture. It was a major event.

"it's barely started but i'm already nervous," I say out loud to myself. "haha it's pretty overwhelming isn't it?" Blue replied. "We better win!" she said pumping her fist into the air.

"Class are we ready to win?"

Everyone cheered in reply.

The first few customers were coming in and it was pretty easy to handle, there weren't many orders just yet. People were coming out with smiles and good reviews of our food, I was really proud.

"You're doing a good job Yellow!" Blue popped into the cooking area with another order, "Get ready to get busy cause there's a whole load of more customers coming right up" She said before leaving to serve the students coming in.

"We need two more dishes of the cold noodles!" Someone says

"Coming right up!"

The kitchen was a chaos, Red and Green were pouring in with more orders while Blue was on her break. The diner was a huge hit and we could tell that people were going to vote for us. 
We had planned on closing at 12:30pm for the play and re-open at 3:30pm. Each year level had their plays at different times, but there was a 30-1hr break between each play. Most schools would end their festivals at 4:00pm but ours ended at 7:00pm. Plays that were at the start or the end of the day had a lower chance of being seen, so luckily ours was right in the afternoon, a time where it was the most crowded. 

It was finally 12:30pm and everyone was exhausted. "Wow I'm drained"

"Good work everyone!" The class president shouts. He then calls the name of everyone participating in the play "We need to head down to the theatre to get ready.

"Greenie you'll be coming with us right?~" Blue flirts

"Nah, I'm gonna hang out with some friends from my old town, I'll be there to watch the show though" He says nonchalantly. We had a 40 minute preparation time  and then rehearsals which take about 1 hr before the play actually started

"Aww Greenie" Blue pouted

"Yellow, Red, Good luck," he says before waving us off and meeting up with his old friends. 

"Greeeeniie" She continued to whine.

"Come on Blue, we have to prepare" Red dragged Blue off and I followed suit.

"You're late! Get into the fitting rooms now! I want everything to be perfect" The student council vice president was pushing Red and Blue into the change rooms while I went off into the preparation room to check all the outfits were ready. 

"Yellow-san! You're here"

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