Chapter 12

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||Red's POV||
God why did I have to wake up so late, its already 8:43, school starts in 2 godamn minutes and I'm still waiting for my damn toast to toast. It pops up and I take it and quickly run out of the dorm, making sure I remember to lock up before running off to class, yea I'm obviously not gonna make it but at least I wont see Yellow since she needs to catch up on exams.

"You're late Mr Red Fire" Ugh I hate it when the teacher uses my full name

"Ahaha.... Yea... Uh sorry about that.." I see that Yellow's seat is empty, she probably went to take her exams

"Was your dream that interesting that you didn't want to wake up" she asks

"Yea actually, I thought I woke up but I didn't wake up, It was a drea-"

"Okay, Fire I didn't ask for you to tell us, now sit down" The class had a little laugh, I sat down and got my stuff.

"Don't worry, Yellow's doing exams" I hear Blue say from in front

"Yea thought so" I reply

"So what are you planning to say to Yellow? Hmm?" She asks

"Ugh I don't know" I say opening my textbook

"Just confess geez" Green says out of no where

"Greenie, you have no right to say anything about confessing, you haven't even confessed to your obvious future girlfriend" Blue says obviously directing that to herself

"And you haven't confessed either, so you have no right as well" He says averting his attention back to his textbook

"Aww Greenie you want me to confess?" She says cooingly, well she tries to be cool "Ugh" Is probably the last thing Green is going to say for the rest of the day.

Sometimes I wonder if God is on my side, I mean I haven't seen Yellow at all. Not at all. It makes me think, am I running away? I really should face Yellow but I don't know what to say. And what if I mess up? What if she misunderstands? What if I say something stupid?

"Geez just confess lover boy" I guess my face was showing my worries.

"W-what? I don't know what you're saying" I stutter

"Mate. Its obvious that you look at Yellow-san all the time" he says, smirking a bit

"Is it that obvious...?" I ask

"Yea everyone in our class can see it, okay maybe not everyone" he mutters the last part

"Ugh maybe I should confess" I groan

"Yea you should. Yellow-san probably likes you back" He says

"Mhm- wait what?" I look at him with wide eyes

"God, you are so dense" he says before walking away.

"Uh.... Thanks?" I guess...?

"That wasn't a compliment!" He shouts as he gets further away, Sometimes I forget I have other people in my class besides Blue, Green, Yellow and me.
But I'm thankful, I have great classmates, ones that encourage my cowardly ass to confess. And I should. And I will.

I'm going to confess to Yellow

Thats if I can find her.
Its 3:30, school ended 15 minutes ago and I've been searching for her for ages, and exams have ended ages ago, like where could she be? Wait, when we accidentally kissed, Yellow was in a rush to go to the city library, I'll go look there. I immediately rushed to the bus stop and checked the times, alright good, the bus to the city is coming in 14 minutes. I sat down at the bench and checked my phone, and it looks like I got a missed call from Green. I called him back.

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