Halloween Special *^*

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||Green's POV||

"Woo its Halloween people!" I hear Red say from his room

I check the clock, 12:00am of course. I still don't see the excitement of Halloween but I guess people like Red and Gold and Blue do. Dressing up as scary creatures seem amusing in their eyes. Not in my eyes though, all you're doing is dressing up as fairies and ghosts to get candy, teenagers go all out and dress more carelessly to party and drink.

Red barges in, breaking my train of though "Ayeee Green, what're you dressing up as? Blue's holding a party, like usual and everyone is invited"

"I'm dressing up as Green" I replied

"How original, come on dress up as something! You never have, get into the Halloween spirit~" He insists

"No. I don't find wasting my time partying fun"

"But you're still coming to the party right? You always do"

"I don't want to, you drag me there you doofus"

"Oh yea. True" he says "Well I'm gonna find something to dress up as~ see ya" he leaves before waiting for my reply

||Blue's POV||

Halloween, another year of bliss, dressing up as something~ or someone, its always fun.

"Yellow?~" I open her room door

"Blue, you're awake?" She replies

"Duh! Who sleeps at 12am" I roll my eyes

"Lots of people do."

"Well whatever, what're you gonna dress up as for halloween?" I question

"Halloween? Oh yea thats today, hm I'm not sure, why do we need to dress up anyway? Don't tell me people our age do trick or treating?" She asks seriously

"Pft, of course not! Every year I hold a halloween party and everyone's invited! You gotta dress up though" I inform her

"Oh. Sounds fun, what're you going as?"

"Hmm not sure this year, but last year I was a cat and the year before I was the devil"

"Oo, how about a witch this year?" She suggested

"A witch? Cliche but nice, maybe" I say thinking a little
"How about you?"

"Me? Um I'm not sure" she answered questionably

"Something cute! Something fluffy! A pumpkin!"

"A pumpkin......? I don't know how I feel about that, maybe a werewolf?"

"You're too cute for that though!"

"Then a 'cute' werewolf?"

"Yes! Do that~"

"I wonder what Red-san and Green-san are dressing up as"

"Greenie has always dressed up as himself cause he doesn't have any Halloween Spirit, Last yr Red went as a mummy, and the year before was Frankenstein"
She doesn't say anything "you're imagining it, aren't you? Isn't Red cute as a mummy?"

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