chapter five

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"What time is it?" Red asked himself as he turned his head to check the alarm that sat on his bedside table. "5am? that's hella early" Red closed his eyes wishing to fall back into a deep slumber but to no avail. He sat up and stared into nothing for awhile before deciding to get up and change into some joggers "I'll go out for a jog" he says to himself as he quietly sneaks out of his room, scared to wake the brunet sleeping on the other side of the dorm.

Red jogs around the school campus for awhile before leaning over onto his knees to take a break, about to grab his drink bottle he then hears someone of a high voice shout "Red!"

He turns around to see Tanaka running towards him, "What are you doing out here so early in the morning?" She asked, with a tone ever so sweet. "Just out for a jog" He says rubbing the back of his neck - slightly uncomfortable with talking to someone who was unfamiliar.

"Well I was about to go and see the sunrise, it's rising near the basketball court, come see it with me!" She pleads

"Thanks, but i'll pass, I need to head back to my dorm after this anyway" Red says, taking a glance at his watch thinking it's still early and I don't need to go back but the sunrise doesn't sound so fun.

She stares into his eyes for awhile before relieving a sigh saying "I see how it is, I'll see you in class then" She says, running off towards the courts.

Tanaka walks away and she finds her fist tightening up this kid doesn't know what beauty is, he's the definition of oblivious and dense. She rolls her eyes but continues to walk towards the courts, not to see any kind of sunrise though - she could careless.

Once the girl was out of sight, Red continued to jog. He stops in front of the grocery store after a few laps and unconsciously says out loud "What's the time?"

"Don't you have a watch?" A familiar voice from behind him says, he turns his head to see a short blonde pointing to his watch. "Ah, right" He looks down and says "6:36am, that's the time"

"Indeed it is" Yellow says smiling. "Why are you out so early?" Red asks rubbing the back of his neck, but this time it wasn't due to the uncomfortable atmosphere, this time was due to embarrassment and nervousness. "We needed to stock up on groceries so I thought I'd go in the morning, you?" 

"Just out for a jog" Red says smiling back, but then the thought hit him what if i smell? I hope I'm not too sweaty, godamnit worst timing ever

"Wanna walk back to the dorms together?" Red asks, he sees her nod in agreement, and he sighs out of relief and grins to himself.

Tanaka finds herself biting her nails out of frustration, "flirting with a guy has never been so hard before" she sighs to herself - as she walks away from the basketball court and back to her dorm. Before she could see the entrance she spots two silhouettes from far away. It was Red and Yellow. She squints to make sure but she was certain "So he chose that girl over me?" Tanaka scratches her head in defeat "They're obviously in love - I'll just play with them a bit since they're so oblivious to each other's feelings."

By the time class starts, Yellow and Red are having a lively conversation together as Tanaka walks in. She waves to her fellow male classmates who find themselves swooning over the popular student. Tanaka walks towards the table and comes in between Red and Yellow. "Hey Red, you should have come with me, the sunrise was gorgeous! You really missed out" 

"Ah, really? That's a bummer but I ended up bumping into Yellow and we walked back together" Red replies, obviously showing more interest in the blonde girl then the sun rising.

Tanaka steals a glance at Yellow who was looking down, twiddling her thumbs. She shrugs and walks away, sitting down at her seat and starting a conversation of her own with her friends.

While the two different conversations go on, Blue opens the classroom door and cheerfully greets the class, "Good morning!"

Some of the students reply to her greeting, while others ignore her and continue with their business. Blue sits down next and Yellow, and after looking around a bit, she asks "Where's Green?"

"He's feeling a bit feverish so I told him to stay home and rest for a bit" Red explained, "Hmm, we should visit him" Blue abruptly suggests, "Yellow, you're free right? Come with us" Blue turns her head towards the blonde girl.

"You're the only one who can cook" The brunette whispers, Yellow looks up confused "Pardon?"

"Nothing" Blue giggles, "So you're coming, right?" Yellow nods her head.

"Great! Red we can come over right?" Blue looks over to the boy

"Yeah, sure" He says uncertainly, "Sorry Green" He mumbles under his breath.


The three students walk towards the male dorms, with Red leading the way. Red uses his ID card to open the large automatic doors and takes the girls upstairs to their room. Red takes his keys from his back pocket and open the doors, Blue takes this chance to rush into the dorm and head to Green's room. She opens his door and peers through, once checking that he's not asleep she says "Hey Green, your favourite people are here to visit you" 

"Oh great, what fun" He answers sarcastically. He looks up from his book to see Blue standing at the end of his bed while Yellow and Red peek their heads in the door. "We're going to make you some food, just wait okay?" Blue remarked, she takes her leave and closes the door to his room.

The two girls start cooking while the black headed boy attempts to help here and there, but most of the time becomes useless due to his lack of experience in the kitchen. 40 minutes past and the rice porridge the girls decided to make is finished, "It took quite a bit due to the rice having to boil but it's all done!" Yellow gleefully says. Blue offers to take it to Green's room and take his temperature while she's at it.

A few minutes past and Blue leaves the room, "His temperature is still high but he's fine, he's eating right now, and he says thanks Yellow" Yellow nods in acknowledgement.

"Let's head back now?" Yellow suggests, Blue agrees and they bid their goodbye to Red and leave, going back to their dorm.


sorry it's taking so long to update, i've been watching a lot of anime and reading manga all day, and kinda forgetting i even have a wattpad account.

i hope you enjoyed the chapter and i like it better then the old version :^)

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