chapter twenty-one

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it's been about a week or two since the school festival and it's taken a long time for all the props and setups to be packed away back into their boxes - soon to be stored in the drama club's closet.

"Finally! We get to go home early!" Red said enthusiastically "I mean it doesn't really make a difference since we literally live right next to the school," Blue remarked, pointing in the direction of their dorms

"True, but still!" He exclaimed, "Still what?" Green asked, raising an eyebrow. Red didn't reply and just shrugged. Yellow giggled at the interaction and their conversation continued to flow, with Red making more dumb statements. Although Green and Blue laughed and made fun of what Red said, they were both relieved that all the packing up was done, it was tiring having to stay back for two hours or more doing what they could to clean since many other students either didn't live in the dorms and had to take a bus home or had club activities, so people like them had to stay back and do what had to be done.

The two pairs bid their goodbyes for the day and went back to their dorms, "So how was your first school festival here? Now that you've experienced the whole thing even the dreadful aftermath" Blue asked "It was fun, I enjoyed myself a lot and I'm glad I was able to contribute" Yellow smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it" She replied back. The two opened their dorm room and placed their bags on the ground, slightly tired from the excessive cleaning they had to do for the last day. "I'm going to take a shower, do you mind preparing dinner?" Blue asked

"I don't mind, though we might need to do some grocery shopping," Yellow said, looking through the cupboards seeing if there was enough for dinner that night. "It's alright I don't mind going" Yellow reassured before Blue was even able to say anything, Blue smiled and went into her room, ready for a long shower. Yellow put her bag into her room and then put her shoes back on, leaving the dorm. 

She pondered if she should take the stairs or the elevator since the two lived on the third floor of the dorm building, she opted for the stairs and made her way down - as she opened the large entrance she felt the breeze coming through. She shivered a bit, she briskly walked towards the grocery store, going inside and rubbing her palms together. She rushes straight to the fresh foods section and picks up a few different vegetables and meat, enough for the rest of the week. I'll probably buy some extra meat and keep it in the freezer Yellow thinks looking at the pork belly and chicken breast I wonder which one blue likes most, I'll just get both. Yellow picks them both up and puts them in her basket.

"I should also buy some more coffee since we ran out" Yellow mumbled, looking for the specific isle that held coffee. Yellow continued to look around for things their dorm needed until she felt her phone ringing in her pocket.

"Yes? Hello?"

"It's Blue. Why are you taking so long? Did something happen?"

"Oh, nothing it's just I got carried away and lost track of time. Since I'm here, do you want anything?" 

"Hm, I'm alright, just get back home quick"

"Mhmm, I'll see you at home"

"Alright, see ya"

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