After Ahsoka refuses to train Grogu, the trio goes into hiding.Not a Request ♥︎
Part 3! Trust is Earned
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Grogu babbled and mumbled along as Mando silently drove throughout the endless blackness of space. I was silent too, but I was about to burst from keeping my comments in. I needed to speak to him about what just happened, and honestly, the Mandalorian probably needed to talk about it too. He wouldn't really be okay if Grogu was taken away from him. This may be a blessing in disguise,
"Are you okay?" I finally spoke up, gaining his attention. The Mandalorian just sighed and continued driving. I could tell he was upset, but honestly, it would all work out— it always does, "I know you were tasked with getting the Child back to his own kind, and we tried our hardest. You can't blame yourself for Ahsoka's fears."
"Can't I?" he asked, shaking his head, "She won't train him because his bond to me. He reminds her of someone who went bad, and that's because of me. I can't help but blame myself."
Shaking my head, I picked myself up from the chair and made my way to him; rubbing his back, "I know you're upset, but don't give me any self-pity. You couldn't have known, and you were doing what you knew was right when you took Grogu in. I understand why he looks to you as a father— it's because you are his father. You need to be there for him for now on despite what the Creed says. We are his kind. He is Mandalorian."
Mando didn't reply, but answered me simply by a head shake. If there was anyway I could help him during this time, I would bend over backwards to do so. Squeezing his shoulder lovingly, I pressed my Beskar helmet against his, and went to sit back down beside the young Child. Grogu was looking at me with nothing more than pure love; similar to how he looked at my Mandalorian accompaniment. This made me happy, and further fueled my confidence that Ahsoka denying Grogu's training was a good choice,
"Ahsoka isn't the only Jedi in the galaxy, Mando," I continued, stroking the green baby's ear as he continued to babble, "We don't need to give up here, but we don't need to make a decision now. If we want to, we could always find a secluded place and raise Grogu."
Yet again, Mando didn't reply, "Lothal is a good planet I think," I continued since obviously, he wasn't gonna give me any sort of reply, "I suggest we head there until we can pick ourselves up again. It's pretty desolate, and the Imperial presence there is slim compared to other places in the galaxy. Grogu would be out of harm's way."
Mando spun around in his chair, letting the Razorcrest fly on autopilot for the first time since we left the Jedi, "One more question. Why don't you want to go back to Tatooine? I can tell you're a loner for the most part, and on Tatooine, you had everything a rogue Mandalorian could ever want— power and freedom. Why leave it?"
I didn't know the appropriate way to reply. It was a legit question, but it felt like a jab to the side with a dull dagger. I felt at this moment, that the Mandalorian standing before me, didn't feel the same emotions I felt towards him despite his moves of affection on me only a moon before,

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...