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After Crosshair is captured, (Y/N) has conflicting thoughts on the matter.

Not a Request ♥︎

Part 2! Vigilante


1st POV

The blaster wound healed over time, unlike the curiosity over the illusive Crosshair. He was stuck in my mind like a womprat in a trap. He couldn't escape, and honestly, I didn't want him to. I mean, I think I don't want him to leave. His smooth words reanimated in my dreams, alongside his indecisive decision making. I had shaken his faith in the Empire, and that's all that matters to me.
He might just abandon his people... and do something good in life.

"How are you feeling, boss?" the voice of my best friend, Sean, questioned while walking into my chambers with a little loaf of bread in his hands; the steam rising to the ceiling.
Sean hasn't seen the interaction between Crosshair and I when we crossed paths, and I consider myself lucky. If he'd seen me hesitate with a target, he'd have reported me and I would've been demoted. Not literally, but my status amongst my fellow vigilantes would be shattered.

I hadn't spoken to him very much since I wound up in this very embarrassing situation of him taking care of me instead of the other way around. My ego is very fragile, and Sean knows this just as well as I.
He clears his throat softly, and pushes the bread towards me, "So, do you want to talk about what happened out there? How a Clone bested you?"

Geez, not a good way to start a conversation with someone, especially someone as sensitive as myself.
I grabbed the bread in my fist and ripped a chunk away, shoving it into my mouth. I don't even know where to start on the topic of what happened between myself and Crosshair all those days ago. I felt a spark... a connection forming the both of us together— a bond.

I swallowed the soft roll and sighed; eyes glazing over while remembering,
"Crosshair had a chance to kill me, and he should've," I began, remembering the look of victory that was etched into the Clone's face, "He shot me in the shoulder as you know. Told me he was ready to watch me bleed out in the name of the Empire. I spoke to him: convinced him not to kill me."

I can tell Sean wasn't expecting me to even mutter a word of my encounter with the Imperial Commander, because his jaw was left slightly agape in surprise. I took another nibble of bread,

"What exactly are you saying, boss?" my partner questioned; his eyebrows knitting together, "Are you saying Crosshair spared you? Went against direct orders from his higher-ups? What the hell makes you so important?"

I made a 'pfft' sound with my lips and rolled my eyes, "If I knew, I would be feeling much better, but instead of knowing, I sit awake at night; pondering over what made me so important that a commander wouldn't follow orders."
The rest of the night was completely silent between Sean and I. It was like the man was in complete shock, as was I for the first time in my whole life.

Then, right as I was about to drift off into another sleepless, painful night, my com began beeping and firing like crazy,
"What the hell is going on?" a sleep-deprived Sean questioned while grabbing over for it. Sean had a crusted right cheek from drooling in his sleep. He tossed it to me; the com bouncing onto my bed.

I swiftly answered the com; tiredness dissolving into nothingness, "This is (L/N). What do I owe the pleasure to at 4am in the morning?"

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