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The Daughter confines in (Y/N) with some secrets she never thought she would tell anyone.

Requested by JoeyKirkpatrickJr

Mention of an OC of the requester named Lila in this fic, so do not get confused if there's a character you're not familiar with!

Part 6! The Attack


2nd POV

You sat silently, staring at the empty room in front of you. This was Joseph's nursery, at least for the past few moons. It had been a peaceful while once the Millennium Falcon had escaped Hoth and gotten away from the beady eyes of the Empire. All was good.
Only thing making you feel upset rather than happy was the fact that Joseph and Elpída were beginning to grow up.

Joseph had outgrown his nursery and was in Elpída's old room, while she had moved to a new room altogether beside Nephal and your room. He was three now, and Elpída was ten, almost eleven. It was weird to see her gaining habits that kids in the double digits gain, but that was all part of life. Even though it made you a little bit sad,
"Daddy!" the voice of Elpída cracked through the silence, "Clive wants to know if you'd like to join our hunt! We've run out of Rancor meat, and we need to get some more."

That's right. Rancor meat.
Whenever Captain Solo, Leia, Nephal, Joseph, Elpída and yourself escaped Hoth alongside your Droids, you fled to Felucia. You figured the abundance of plants and animals would be able to fuel your little family, and the risk that Felucia brought would keep the Empire away. It happened exactly how you assumed it would,

"Yeah, I'll come," you answered while scooping up your sniper blaster. It was smarter to shoot a Rancor from a great distance in case the first shot didn't do the job. So, the sniper was the weapon you chose, "Are you sure you're ready for such a fight?"

Elpída shot up into a very straight posture at this comment, "Dad, I am very capable. I know how dangerous Rancor can be, but I am ready. Even Clive and Flash think so."

You cocked your eyebrows and shook your head, "Have you spoken to your mother about this?"

"You know she doesn't approve of us killing for any reason, even food," your daughter responded while crossing her arms over her chest, "Of course she wouldn't like me doing it."

You ruffled Elpída's hair lovingly, "That's one thing your mother and I will agree on... but, you're growing up. You need to know how to kill, especially for food in case anything happens to your mother or I. You have to be able to protect Joseph and yourself."

The blonde girl's eyes widened in excitement, "Really? So I can come?"

"Yeah, I suppose, as long as you promise to stay by my side the entire time. Rancors aren't playthings and can kill without skipping a beat. They're very intelligent and powerful creatures, so you can't underestimate them," you immediately said, introducing the beast to your daughter, "Most importantly, do not let yourself be cornered by one. Once that happens, you can kiss your life goodbye."

Elpída focused intensely on the words coming from her father's mouth. She had a bit of nervousness in her expression, but you knew she could handle it. And if she decided a Rancor was too much, she would stay at home with Nephal and Joseph, no big deal either. You and the Droids could take care of whatever came into the path, whether it's a Rancor or a battalion of Stormtroopers,
"Okay, I am ready," she said nervously, "What type of blaster will I have?"

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