Aliryrwen is force-connected with Ben Solo. After he slaughters the Younglings of the restored Jedi Order, she attempts to contact him.Requested by AllisonTart
•OC InsertAliryrwen Moonlight
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎The feeling of the rouge Jedi was enough to make Aliryrwen's eyes fill with tears. She didn't believe it when she heard it, but the realization hit her when the pure hatred she sensed through the force around Ben Solo was made a reality. The young Solo had butchered all of her friends and family, leaving her practically all alone in this world.
Aliryrwen would like to believe that if she was on the planet of Chandrila at the time of Ben's episode, she would've been spared, but she couldn't sense his true intentions towards her. Luckily, her and her friend, Fiisk, an Abyssin, were off on a mission to shut down some troublemakers on Naboo. Unfortunately, her fellow learners weren't as lucky,
"Any sign of Master Skywalker?" Aliryrwen asked while cradling her arms in her hands in disbelief at the sight that plagued their home.
Fiisk shook his head in sadness, leaning down to pick up another abandoned lightsaber, "You're sure Ben's behind this?" the Abyssin asked, "He was Master Luke's prodigy. I wonder why he'd do something like this."
The girl shrugged, sadness overtaking her yet again as the tears began to overfill her eyes, "It's definitely Ben. I've reached out to him in the force— he's still alive, and obviously trying to ignore my pleas for an answer."
"Maybe we can find Luke?" the Abyssin blinked his one purple eye closed, "He'd know what to do— he always does."
Aliryrwen shook her head at his suggestion, "Master Skywalker wouldn't have fled if he believed there was any way to save this place. We need to find Ben somehow, and bring him back to us. We can restart the order again."
"Don't be naïve, Ali," Fiisk shook his head, "Everyone is dead! The Younglings, the Knights, hell, even our Masters! Ben went to the Dark Side. We need to forget about him, and find Luke."
The young girl sighs, looking around at the mess that scattered the Jedi Temple, "At least let me try to contact him one last time."
"I'll be on the ship. Please don't take too long," the Padawan sighed, patting the girl's shoulder with pity, "I know you liked Ben, a lot, but this place gives me the creeps."
Rolling her eyes as her friend walks off to their only way off the rock, Aliryrwen slowly falls to the ground in a cris-cross style; slipping into a meditative state, just feeling for Ben Solo,
"Ben, come to me," she cried out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, "All I want is an explanation."
A familiar feeling encased the young woman, feeling her with ease and security. Opening her sandy-brown eyes, a sad smile rose to her lips, "Are you safe?"
Ben wasn't smiling, in fact, he looked rather ashamed, "Aliryrwen, I am fine. Where are you?"
"Back on Chandrilla with Fiisk," the girl replied while pulling herself up on her feet, "What happened? Why did you destroy everything we've worked to make?" she cuts herself off with a sniffle, "Why'd you destroy what we had together?"

Star Wars: Imagines
Romantizm(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...