(Y/N) was a Separatist General during the Clone Wars. Alongside his fleet, he finds Mortis, and stumbles upon the family living there.Requested by JoeyKirkpatrickJr
Part 1!
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎"Call back the fleet! The fog is too heavy here!" I called into my com, which held contact to my entire Separatist fleet, "Do you copy? Commander?"
"We have lost contact to our entire fleet, sir!" my leading Commando Droid, which I occasionally called Clive, called up. I strictly use Commando Droids mainly instead of Battle Droids; much more effective and always get the job done, "And it seems like we're locked in a tractor beam of some sort. We can't move the ship."
I smashed my fist angrily onto my console; causing shards of the electronics to gets wedged into my flesh, "There's not a single ship out here besides mine! It seems the rest of the fleet has gone missing! How the HELL are we caught in a tractor beam?"
"I regrettably can't calculate that answer, General," the droid called back, "What would you require of me?"
I grabbed my Bo-Rifle off my back and cradled it in my arms; my anger rising at the fact that we were caught off guard, "There's nothing we can do as of now. Wherever this beam takes us, I want you, and the rest of my Droids to follow me off-ship, and we take whatever the hell the ship that has us in the beam owns. We leave no survivors. No one humiliates General (Y/N) (L/N) like this."
"Roger roger," the Commander croaked, "Might I suggest you buckle up, sir. It appears what has us in a tractor beam isn't a ship, but a whole planet."
"Did you say a planet, Clive?" I asked in amusement, "Are your sensors fried? There's no planet charted that can drag in a ship at this size."
"That's the other thing, General," a droid from across the bay hollered out, "This isn't a plotted planet. I can't seem to recognize it at all."
I dug my fingers into my chair and huffed out through my nose, "Prepare for a messy landing then."
Our ship landed as expected— by crashing into a mountain. Luckily, I didn't lose too many droids, and the ship was reparable, but what that meant, is I could only spare two droids to travel on the surface with me; Clive, and another Commando Droid, who I have yet to name yet,
"Be sure to have this ship fixed by the time we've returned, or else it's you who will have to report to General Grievous!" I yelled, which earned multiple 'Roger rogers.'
As the three of us were walking away from the crash sight, the unnamed droid stopped immediately,
"General, there seems to be a large amount of force-energy radiating from the East," he mechanically reported, "Not Jedi or Sith though. It's something else that I can't understand."
I eyed Clive, which he nodded in agreement, "I'm picking it up too. I believe whoever it is that holds this much power is the one responsible for dragging us out here."
"I'll call you Flash then," I smirked, clasping my hand roughly down on the now-named droid, "You're quick. I like you, and I'm sure, depending on this outcome, Dooku and Grievous will too."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...