AU where (Y/N) saves Luke from the Tuskens.Requested by 1-800-ravenclaw
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎"Master, I'll be heading into Mos Eisley to pick up some supplies," you called into the sand hut your Master, Ben Kenobi and you share. He's been training you in the art of the force for around ten years now, "Would you like me to pick up anything specific while I'm gone?"
The old man shook his head, warming his hands by the fire. He was cooking watered-down Womp Rat soup. Your stomach growled at the thought, "Watch out for the Tusken Raiders, my apprentice," he warned, stroking his beard, "They're nasty this time of year. I've already had to chase a small group from our land."
"Yes Master, no need to worry about me!" you smiled, patting the lightsaber that sat snuggly on your side, hidden by the dark brown robe you religiously wore.
Master Kenobi shook his head irritably, "You remind me of my old apprentice. Don't use that unless absolutely necessary, okay. The dark side lurks around every corner."
"I remind you of Anakin?" you asked, adverting your glance down to the sandy earth below. Your Master has told you all about his notorious apprentice— he was witty, strong with the force, and yet, he fell foolishly to the dark side.
"You have quirks," he corrected himself, laying a hand on your shoulder, "I don't fear you'll suffer the same fate. Just be careful."
Glancing up, you nod sheepishly and hurry off; shaking off the comment your Master threw at you. 'You remind me of my old apprentice.' You couldn't help but keep it replaying over and over in your head. You had only ran into the notorious Sith Lord once. You were lucky to have survived that occurrence only ten years ago. Your family unfortunately didn't share the same luck. Truthfully, that fateful day was the only reason you met Ben Kenobi. He had sensed your force signature beyond Vader's....
The two suns rose ruthlessly high in the sky, sending sweat down your forehead. It was unbelievably hot outside, but when wasn't it? Today seemed hotter than normal. Tusken Raiders loved this weather— no wonder old Ben warned you. You were prepared though, like you exclaimed to the old Jedi. Although you've only had your lightsaber for a short time, you knew how to use it. Sand People didn't scare you.
Sand crunching under your tall black boots, you ducked into a deep canyon; mind wandering. You loved these long secluded walks away from society. Rarely, you'd see another individual, or maybe come in contact with a wild herd of Bantha, but besides that, it was peaceful. These walks were where you obtained the majority of your meditation time. Normally you were too busy taking care of your master to worry about old orthodox Jedi methods.
Rounding a corner, your eyes widened in surprise. A young boy, who you've grown to know very well was getting carried off by two angry Tusken Raiders. What was young Luke Skywalker doing so far away from the safety of his home?
Gritting your teeth, you bound out and force pushed the two Sand People away, earning fearful and confused shouts from the pair. They leapt up; the male angrily charging at you. Dodging his gaderffi, you unsheathed your (F/C) lightsaber, taking off the male's arm. Screeching, the female rushed in to her mate, collecting him, and racing off; evidently alerting other Tusken Raiders in the area of the threat.

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...