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668 22 13

(Y/N) is harmed in battle, and Admiral Thrawn is worried about her.

Requested by fuehrtdieorder66aus


1st POV

Standing in a parade of blaster fire, I quickly cast away oncoming bolts with my (F/C) lightsaber. These measly Rebels don't stand a chance. I can see in their eyes that they know this just as well as I do. They're dead and there's nothing they can do about it unless they wish to run or surrender. And even if they surrender, I might not care and continue to murder them.

The Empire was taking Kashyyyk back from the Rebels. They had momentarily retrieved the Wookiee home planet thanks to some bad leadership, but now under Thrawn's command, we will take it back.

The Chiss' unnatural ability to plan ahead and read the Rebel's every move was commendable. I am an Inquisitor, capable of force abilities that no one can dream of, yet I can't see ahead like he can.
I fell in love with Grand Admiral Thrawn the first time I met him. It took quite a while for him to come around to the idea, but after quite a few missions of me showing off, he quickly fell for me too. Now, we are planning what we will do whenever the war is over: specifically which planet we will move to, and have children on.

"My Lord!" a voice rang into my ear piece, causing my eyes to roll, "Grand Admiral Thrawn is requesting your assistance at the Kashyyyk Imperial base."

"Any particular reason?" I questioned while slicing a Rebel in half effortlessly, "I'm kinda busy here— the Rebels have pushed and I'm running out of Troopers."

"The Jedi are here! There are Wookiees too! It's a mess, My Lord! They're killing everyone!."
That was all I heard before the line was cut. Thrawn and I were both depending on the Jedi to come to my location.

Bouncing a few more blaster bolts away, I immediately started racing to my ship. My judgement was clouded thanks to the danger Thrawn was in. That was my fatal mistake.

A blaster bolt embedded itself into my lower back, towards my left kidney. I shrieked, falling to the wooden floor below. I heard a cry of victory bellow through the crowd of terrifying Rebels. They honestly believed they would die today.
Unsheathing my second lightsaber, I connected the two together in the middle, forming a double-bladed lightsaber. Tossing it forward, it swiftly decapitated a handful, and sent the others running.

I climbed back up to my feet, inwardly cursing at myself for being so stupid... so reckless. Now, I won't be able to take on those Jedi at full potential, and Thrawn might get hurt!

Sheathing my lightsabers, I kept them connected and used it as a walking stick. I didn't have time to be hurt!
Luckily, my ship was only a few yards away, and I, rather quickly, mounted my ship. My boyfriend wasn't too far away either, so the flight was no issue.

The main combat on Kashyyyk right now was on the ground: Troops verses Rebels. The sky was crystal-clear; completely without dogfighting.
I swiftly spotted the Imperial control tower. There were a few pods landed on the surface, but there weren't any blaster fire.

My heart leapt into my throat. There were only two outcomes to why the blaster fire was nonexistent. Number one, Thrawn and the other Imperials had taken down the Jedi and the Rebels. Number two, the Jedi and the Rebels had taken down Thrawn and the Stormtroopers. I pray it's the first option.

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