Thrawn and (Y/N) have just had their first baby. He is overjoyed and is beginning to become overprotective at the thought of something happening to his wife and son. Then, the Rebels attack...Requested by dragonsfangs
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Sirens and screams filled the Chimaera. It was so unlike the Rebels to attack a Star Destroyer head on like this, yet here they were. Of course, the Chimaera was a hot spot of activity for the Empire, but not even Thrawn was worth the risk of their Rebellion. They only had a handful of active soldiers, so why risk such an attack?
"Come on, (Y/N)," Thrawn yelled frantically in your direction. The two of you had been discussing topics in his office concerning your marriage and Hitesh, your son. It was remarkable to you on how much your husband loved little Hitesh. Of course, considering he's the father it would make sense, but Thrawn can sometimes be dodgy with relationships like that. Thankfully, he wasn't dodgy with Hitesh or yourself.
You extended your hand out and clasped it into Thrawn's while holding your son into your chest, "Where are we going?"
"I'm gonna take us up to the bridge to get a status report. If it's looking bad, we are going to use an escape pod to get out of here! Nothing is going to happen to either of you!" Thrawn basically yelled.
It was so unorthodox for Thrawn to show any emotions besides a serious one. His work was his life and he hardly had time to formulate anything else besides it. But now? He was panicking.You just followed the Chiss as your baby began to sniffle and sob. All of the flashing lights and loud sirens frightened Hitesh, and you could only kiss his blue forehead as you ran. Stormtroopers rushed to your side immediately once you left Thrawn's office. You were so thankful you had the Stormtroopers here— Thrawn is capable, but it is comforting to know there's backup.
The bridge was utter chaos. Officers of all levels were scrambling to give instructions to the pilots and maintenance workers. There was a bit of smoke beginning to pool in the area,
"What the hell is going on?" Thrawn questioned while grabbing an Officer by the neck of his jacket, swinging it aggressively, "Why are there Rebels destroying my precious ship?""They ambushed us!" the Officer breathily responded to the Grand Admiral, "They knew we would be here and they brought a very impressive fleet! We have sent out TIE-fighters to combat their X-Wings, but we haven't had much luck! Governor Pryce recommends we flee!"
You looked over at Pryce. She looked like she was ready to pull her hair out from both anger and stress over the whole situation. Poor woman, she has so much pressure on her shoulders,
"Do not flee!" Thrawn disagreed; fire burning in his eyes, "We cannot let the Rebels take this sector. Lord Vader will kill all of us if it happens!"The Officer gulped and nodded, "Of course, sir. I will get a status update and I will let you know what's going on once I hear it."
"Go!" Thrawn bellowed angrily; the Officer scurrying off like a beaten dog. He inhaled deeply and moved to the front of the bridge towards Governor Pryce; his hand intertwined with yours, "What is happening?" he asked the woman.
"What's happening is we have a spy!" Pryce angrily announced while watching a TIE-fighter twist and turn after being hit by an opposing X-Wing; the explosion lighting up the sky, "Someone here ratted us out to the Rebels! They were ready for us!"

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...