It's inspection day for the Star Destroyers in the Empire. (Y/N)'s superior, Grand Admiral Thrawn, is in charge of the Star Destroyer inspections, and he must make sure (Y/N) has been doing her job right.Requested by dragonsfangs
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡"I need this place as clean as possible!" you yelled while watching a pair of officers rush by to hand off various cleaning supplies to their partners, "Grand Admiral Thrawn will be here in less than an hour for the Star Destroyer inspection! All of our heads are on the line, so we need to make sure everything is perfect!"
Your words were accepted with various affirmatives, proving that the Stormtroopers and officers alike had heard your commands. You'd known the Chiss for a while now, and although you were confident that you and your Star Destroyer would pass inspection, it was still nerve wracking. If it was anyone else besides Thrawn, it wouldn't have been nearly as scary... Thrawn is different.
You'd never admit it to anyone besides yourself, but you'd grown to admire the Admiral more than anyone should. At least more than his employees should. That's all you were— you may be an Imperial Officer, but that was nothing special compared to Thrawn and the people he deals with daily. You're simply an afterthought, but that was okay with you.
As long as you can continue to work for Thrawn and keep the Empire afloat, you'd be happy."Officer (L/N), one of the ships is leaking oil in the hangar bay," one of the Stormtroopers you oversee said while racing over, "It's a pretty difficult fix. I doubt my men and I can fix it before the Grand Admiral shows up. What would you like us to do?"
Great. That's all you needed.
You inhaled deeply and pinched the bridge of your nose with your pointer finger and thumb. If Admiral Thrawn discovered your fleet was falling apart the way it was, it's hard to tell how he would take it. You had just gotten this promotion too— you wanted nothing more than to keep it.
"If you can't get it fixed before Thrawn leaves hyperspace, I want you and the others to just toss it out into space," you said while sighing deeply, "If he discovers the condition of a lot of our equipment, we will be in huge trouble. That goes for everything though— if it's broken and it can't be fixed in less than an hour's time, get rid of it."
The Stormtrooper looked like he was contemplating some form of argument against getting rid of the broken equipment, but he held his tongue.
Good. If he spoke against your words, you might have to push him out into space alongside the broken supplies. Perhaps he knew you would too which is why he kept silent.The man bowed in understanding and raced off. You knew he would try and get the equipment taken care of a fixed, but you weren't sure whether he would fix it or not. You didn't care. Regardless, Thrawn will not know the difference.
An hour passed, and it was finally time. The Stormtroopers didn't have to get rid of the broken equipment. There were some troops on board that were quite officiant with repairs, but there were more pressing matters.
Thrawn was landing in the docking hangar of your Star Destroyer at this very moment.You slicked back your hair anxiously for the 20th time in the last five minutes. Having Thrawn around in general was nerve-wracking, but having him around for something as important as this was even worst. If he found even one thing wrong that he didn't like, he could fire everyone who worked in the Star Destroyer without even thinking about it.
So, you needed to make a good impression on the Chiss.

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...