Anakin is captured by the Separatists, and it's up to (Y/N) to get him back.Not a Request ♥︎
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎"In and out," I repeated back to my Clone Squadron, "Widow, I need you to lead the troops down the left flank of the base," I commented to the Clone Commander, Widow, who had been with me throughout the entire war,
"But, General (L/N), that's against General Yoda's plan," Widow cocked his bushy black eyebrow at me and I exhaled deeply, "I know it's not my place, but maybe we should stick to the plan until things go bad?"
I smirked and placed my hand on his maroon and white shoulder plate, "Rex is Skywalker's commanding clone, you are mine. Get the troops ready to head out."
Widow and I have always bickered. He was a brave and loyal Clone, as they all are, but he was very stubborn and hard-headed. So am I. I believe that's why he was assigned to me. We'd even each other out, but we mainly get into fights over petty things,
"You and I both know you'll regret this," Widow responds with snark under his breath, earning a playful elbow into his stomach armor, "Mature..."
I rolled my eyes as our hover ship slowly crowned over the left side of the base, "I'm gonna go find Anakin. You guys shut down the droids and make our lives easier," I smirk and jump out of the ship, winking at Widow, which was our way of saying, 'Don't die, my brother.'
I landed softly on the ships upper deck. I saw a handful of droids, carrying out casual conversation, not paying attention to my ship, or me landing on their platform. I unsheathed my (F/C) lightsaber, and wind-sprinted through the group; taking their arms and legs out before they could say, 'Jedi!'
I'm praised at the temple for my crowd control aspect. I've always been good with a blade, and taking on more enemies has been easier for me than just one. I would never admit it, but this war has been the best thing to happen since I got Knighted.
The droids didn't even have time to call for backup before I wiped out the entire landing deck. Widow and his boys could easily land there with no hassle, but I guarantee Count Dooku, who is our target, after I save Ani of course, knows we're here now because of the hovercraft.
I ducked into the shadows and pressed forwards, dodging the mechanical eyes of droids, and taking out the occasional security camera. I needed to find the prisoner bay.
To sum it all up, Anakin thought it was a good idea to do this mission by himself. No Clones, no Obi-Wan, no me. Pure folly. He rushed into this base, guns blazing, and even thought it took Separatists a second, they captured him with the help of Dooku. So of course, main objective technically is get Dooku, but I'm going to go after Anakin first. He's never done good captured.
Looping down a corridor, I proceeded to take out several more droids, then heard the familiar siren that signaled lots and lots of trouble. Essentially, if Widow and his boys don't hurry up with those droid controls, I'll end up in the same cell as Anakin, and trust me, last time the two of us got trapped in a cell together, all we did was bicker at each other, make out, and then bicker again— blaming each other for what happened.
Picking up the pace, I made it down to the prisoner's unit. Closing my eyes, I extended my hand and felt out for the Jedi Knight. There were many life forms on this cruiser, alongside two senators that the Jedi had no idea went missing. But, I ignored them and pressed on, feeling for him. He had a distinct feel that separated him from the rest of the Jedi. He felt angrier, and more apart.

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...