After the hyperspace carrying Admiral Thrawn, (Y/N), and their unborn baby finally releases them, they have their chance to have the future they wanted.Requested by siriania
Part 2! The Purrgils
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡The time in hyperspace felt endless... cold... lonely. Although I was accompanied by Thrawn and my unborn baby, it still was the loneliest feeling in the galaxy. To begin with, it was a miracle either of us were still alive thanks to the damage done to the ship by the Purrgils. And secondly, the ship was damaged, so no matter how many buttons me or my husband hit, the hyperspace would not stop.
The two of us had to wait until the fuel in the ship was completely diminished to even see where we were.
The hard part was manoeuvring the Chimaera down to a planet on little to no gas.I had full faith in Thrawn though. Although this was a pretty bleak situation in itself, Thrawn wasn't doing too badly.
One thing that concerned me immensely was the fact that Ezra Bridger was nowhere to be found. He was still on the ship when the Purrgils destroyed it and we went into hyperspace... so either he was somewhere in the depths of the ship, or he had flown out the bridge and was floating in space; dead.I had no idea what planet we were approaching. It looked tan and sandy, but it definitely wasn't Tatooine. I had been to Tatooine many times to make deals with the Hutts regarding trading in their sector, as well as having Stormtroopers inhabit Jabba's chunk of the planet. This was somewhere else,
"Where are we?" I asked once Thrawn got the ship under control. He wasn't focused enough to not respond to me, which was good. Even if he was, I wouldn't have minded. I would rather be annoyed and not crash into debris compared to having my husband answer me which would break focus and crash us,
"I'm not entirely sure," the Chiss replied while maneuvering the Chimaera towards the planet. It would take all of Thrawn's piloting knowledge to not kill us in these next moments,
"I think this planet has been forgotten about since the ending of the Clone Wars. I could be wrong, but I believe we're on Geonosis."Geonosis. That name was familiar to me. If Thrawn is right, and this actually is Geonosis, we might be in trouble.
I didn't know a lot about the desert planet, as I tended to disregard anything that happened before the Empire gained government control. None of that mattered— only the Emperor and his commands mattered... well, not anymore.It was going to be a strange adjustment for sure. Thrawn and I both spent a good chunk of our adult lives working for the Empire— Thrawn being more familiar with warcraft than I due to his training during the Clone Wars. Now we were just supposed to be normal people?
This is what I wanted though; an environment away from the Empire that would cater a safe space for my child to grow up. Geonosis probably wasn't the best place for that, though.It took Thrawn quite a while to get the ship steady enough to bring past the Geonosian ozone layer. That was a scary few minutes, as the dive down to the surface created a reddened heat layer on the outside of the ship. Of course, I trust Thrawn... but those moments were some of the most frightening I had experienced.
As I mentioned before, another problem my husband and I had to deal with was looking for that Jedi. If he's still on the ship, he still might try and kill Thrawn and I...The Chiss lowered the Chimaera to the ground as well as he could. It was a rough landing for sure, but the Star Destroyer was still in pretty good condition. I was certain if we could find a fuel stop around Geonosis, we might eventually be able to get the Chimaera off the ground again,
"Nice job, honey," I said as the Chimaera groaned and completely died; the gas running completely out, "You know more about this planet than I do. What should we look out for?"

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...