After Sabine Wren steals an Imperial TIE Fighter, (Y/N) must help Thrawn recover.Requested by dragonsfangs
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎I couldn't believe my eyes. The Rebels had gotten the upper hand once again, and stolen a TIE-Fighter. I legit didn't believe it, and neither could Thrawn. If he was in a cartoon television show, there would be steam coming out of his ears,
"Whoever let that blasted Mandalorian through the gates needs to speak to me immediately," the voice of my long time friend announced over the loud speakers, "The longer you withhold this information, the worst your consequence will be."I couldn't help but chuckle at Thrawn's threats. I have known the Chiss the entirety of my life. We had grown up together and inevitably joined the Empire together. I couldn't help but laugh when Thrawn needed to be serious,
"I can't believe your useless Troopers let an untrained Mandalorian get away with a TIE out of all things," I commented as Thrawn clicked his comlink off, "That's not the biggest blow they've landed, which kind of makes this whole situation worse."
"Shut up," he snapped back. He knows me too well: I'm always trying to tease the older man no matter what. But this time, the vibes felt different. This was far more serious than I cared to think about. If the Rebels keep ahold of this TIE, then they can attempt to sneak on our ships and into our territories, "I need those Rebels captured in the next few days before I take matters into my own hands."
"And how will you do that?" I questioned while sitting down at his desk in his chair; placing a set of glasses on my nose so I could read the papers I brought with me, "Your scrawnier than a stick, and have the muscle mass of a newborn. Those Jedi will kick your ass."
Thrawn tried to keep a serious face up, but he couldn't help the little chuckle that left his mouth. I have to admit, that was hilarious,
"You're right. But, you could do it."I wasn't much better off than Thrawn was, especially compared to the Jedi. I did however have more field experience. Thrawn was always the book smart in our youth, while I literally would have to drag him outside. He always preferred reading and learning, while I preferred getting the dirty work done,
"Most I could do is maybe out run them. Out fight, though? I could take down that Twi'lek and the Mandalorian, but the Lasat and the Jedi are different stories.""That's why I have the Stormtroopers do it mainly," he agreed, "Very expendable and cheap to replace. You and I, however, we are not."
My chest swelled with embarrassment and pride at my friend's compliment.
I stood up from his desk chair and peered out the window and into the blackness of space , "Perhaps there is a way we can make the Rebels beg for their lives."Thrawn's eyebrows rose, and he walked over expectantly, "Do tell."
"The Death Star," I begin, running a hand through my silky smooth hair as I spoke, "Once we find where their base is, I vote we just blow up the planet. Take them out by the source— like going after a root when picking a weed."
The gears in Thrawn's head were spinning. Many ideas were flooding into the Chiss' brain at that suggestion,
"I will speak to Lord Vader about this plan."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...