After marrying Obi-Wan, (Y/N) is pregnant with their first child.Requested by big_deal7
Part 2! Denial!
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎I never believed I was one for marriage life, but Obi-Wan Kenobi convinced me otherwise. To think we hated each other only months earlier, and now we're married, and unconditionally in love. But there was a new member of our little family, a little baby,
"I'm thrilled we're having this baby, but what are we going to do if the Council finds out?" Obi-Wan asked while holding me close to his chest, "And trust me, they always find out."
Worry and anxiety clawed at me like a trapped animal. I hated talking about this with Obi, he always asked the hard questions, especially when I didn't want to talk about it,
"We've been over this," I whispered, "No matter what happens, we will raise this baby, whether that means we get removed from the Order, one of us has to leave, or we trust in a friend to keep them as their own. We don't need to worry about this yet."
"We need to start though," Obi-Wan scolded, "You're due in a little under a month, and the Jedi aren't dumb. They've noticed your bump despite your excuses."
Rolling my eyes, I nudge myself out of his grip and push my face in my hands, suppressing deep sobs, "I don't want to leave the Order, Obi. It's all I've ever known."
"Maybe we should confine in Anakin," Obi-Wan whispered, stroking his beard in thought, "He'd tell me if this was happening to him, and I know we can trust him."
I cocked my eyebrow up in hesitation, sniffling back my approaching tears, "Obi, I know you trust Anakin, but do you think it's wise? Master Yoda was talking about giving him a seat on the Council, he may tell just for that seat."
"I trust Anakin with my life," Obi-Wan replied, even though he knew I was somewhat right, "He won't wrong us," he slowly grabbed my chin in between his index and thumb fingers, "You trust me, right?"
What kind of question was that? "Of course I trust you! I wouldn't have married you if I thought otherwise," I smiled, kissing his fingers, "You can tell Ani if you'd like, but if he gets us into trouble, I'm gonna kick your ass."
Obi-Wan smirks, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips, "I'll kick my ass too. I'm trusting Anakin with everything here."
Holding my husband's hand nervously, we both shared the couch while we waited for his old apprentice to arrive at our apartment, "I don't think I've been this nervous since I became a Knight," I joked nervously, twiddling my fingers, which caused the Master to pull my hand to his lips; kissing them gingerly,
"It's just Anakin, my dear," Obi-Wan recounted for what felt like the thirtieth time in the past two hours, "It's not like we're turning to Master Windu."
I beamed from ear to ear at that, "I suppose your right, my love. I shouldn't worry, because regardless of what happens, I'll have you and our baby."
This made Obi-Wan very pleased. Despite a smile literally glued to his face, I could feel his pleasant emotions through our bond in the force, "I hope it works out for us. We stay in the Order, raise our kid as a Jedi, and win this war. I want nothing more than just that."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...