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Thrawn forces his wife, (Y/N), into hiding when the war begins to thicken. Now, she's being tracked by the Rebels.

Requested by TwincessAhsoka


2nd POV

Honestly, the only things you despised about being married to Admiral Thrawn is the fact that every time you kiss his soft lips goodbye as he goes into work, there's a risk he may never return to you and your unborn baby, and the fact that you could be held hostage to get your husband to stand down to the Rebellion. The thought of Thrawn having a weakness is unconceivable, yet it's true: if the rebels find you, it's game over for your husband.

You had argued for days about this plan. The war was starting to get thick and heavy: many Imperial casualties and surrenders. Thrawn was planning on getting far more serious with his destructive techniques, and didn't want you in the fire fight, nor did he want you to see him committing these acts. Some things are just meant to be unspoken.
So, the Chiss personally dropped you off on your home world of Alderaan, and disappeared with little more than a hug and a kiss.
Now, Rebels were on your tail: hungry for any form of stability in this war.

Cradling your stomach, you ran through the pouring rain. The impossible had happened: the rebels had discovered you and your whereabouts. And now, you are being chased. Sweat mixed with polluted rain fogged your vision as you dodged another tree. You could hear the voices swarming around your ears as the Rebels continued; their only goal is to capture you.

Mud began to accumulate on the earthy, moss-covered ground beneath your feet. Unfortunately, this made the Alderaan forest floor a death trap for a fleeing pregnant woman, and the Rebels would use this to their advantage.
Stumbling and slipping, you slowly pulled yourself through the gunk. Course dirt and moist mud accumulated underneath your finger nails as you pulled yourself around uprooted weeds and fallen trees. Alderaan was a mess.

"She went over there!" the voice of a female Rebel choked up above the sound of your gasping and sounds of tiredness. They wouldn't stop until they had you, and likely that wouldn't take much longer considering there were many of them and only one of you. Not to mention, you were heavily pregnant, and none of them were.

Soon, you could run no further, and collapsed on the backside of a tree. The humidity was beginning to swell, like a bruise on an injury. It was so aggressive that it made you want to lay down and take a nap. Your eyes sagged low; your hands never leaving your belly,

You could hear multiple sets of footsteps approaching, but you couldn't care less. Your only concern right now was your baby's health, and if you kept going, there would be problems,
"I found her!" the same female voice from before shouted, gaining her friends' attention.

You cracked your eyes and saw her. A green Twi'lek with a never-ending frown etched on her face,
"Please... Please don't hurt me!"

"Hurting you would be the nicest thing I could do to you, you monster!" she responded angrily. She seemed familiar to you, like you'd seen her before. It was quite likely considering Thrawn's power stretched over the whole galaxy like a set of claws.

You couldn't wrap your head around why this Twi'lek was so inclined to hurt you. You were heavy with child, and you hadn't lifted a finger in this war. You just happened to fall in love with an Imperial Admiral: it wasn't your fault,

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