Poe and (Y/N) need to sneak on a First Order ship, which requires some skill from both individuals.Requested by -mcmahon
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎General Organa had pulled all of us Rebels into one place to explain a plan that she had been working on for weeks now. Easy. In and out. "It shouldn't be a problem," she said while eying me and my best friend, Poe Dameron. I hated it when she did that,
"That look probably means it's you and me, alone, doing some kind of deadly mission with the likelihood of survival drastically dropping as the minutes pass," Poe wittily commented while dragging me over to the General to see what exactly the plan was.
Leia was beginning to show her age, regardless if she wanted to or not. It reflected in the way she walked and talked, but it didn't stop her from being the greatest General the Rebels have ever had.
I smiled at her as she dismissed the rest of the Rebels, the area filling with casual conversation again, "Good morning, General," Leia Organa smiled back and squeezed both of our shoulders, "We saw that look you always give us. What's our mission?"
Leia pulled up a holograph of our base and points a wrinkled finger at a distinguished ship in the sky-area, "That is Snoke's ship, and that's us," she answers while dragging her nail across the map to our measly planet of Yavin, "They're starting to catch onto us. I need you two to either blow their ship up," she side-eyed Poe, which made him chuckle, "Or sneak on and destroy their map and plans to check Yavin out."
I looked at Poe and smirked, "Both if you know I'm a garbage pilot, so if this is a group effort, I say we steal clearance codes and sneak on."
"That's a stupid plan," Poe shook his head; waving at Leia to tell her we're on it, and we will be successful, like always, "They'll know we're there, and wouldn't it be easier to blow it up and take out Ren and Snoke at the same time?"
"Not if it's just one ship against their entire army of TIEs," I argued, leaning against his side, "Come on, you know I'll get my way regardless."
The brunette exhaled from his nose in annoyance, "I will never admit that you always get your way, but I will cave this time, and only this time. We can sneak on the stupid ship."
I smiled and pinched his cheek lovingly, "Come on, airhead."
I lead him to the ship quickly, afraid Rey or Finn would ask questions. Normally, I liked to be alone with Poe on these missions, and even though he never admitted it, he liked to be alone with me too. I could sense it in him,
"Hey, (Y/N)? Where are you two off to?" a familiar voice asked. That voice happened to belong to FN-2187, or as we called him, Finn,
"Leia assigned us another mission, Finn," I replied while hanging off the bars on the ship door; it creaking angrily and sending signs that I shouldn't put all my weight on it like that.
Finn shook his head and stomped on our dingy T-4a shuttle. We had got it off of some old guards and it worked magic for missions like this, "I'm going with you, and before you argue, I still have an active clearance code, so it should be in and out."
"Should be in and out," I pronounced in sarcasm, "Doesn't sound like our kind of luck, now does it?"
Finn flashed his pearly whites and chuckled softly, "Now where are we headed?"

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...