(Y/N) takes up Thrawn's offer, and abandons the Rebellion.Not a Request ♥︎
Part 2! The Beast
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎You uncomfortably shifted from one leg to the other. You had been taken away from Thrawn's quarters and given an Imperial Officer uniform. It was too tight in places where uniforms shouldn't be tight, and it was causing you to sweat and twitch. You had regrets about abandoning the Rebellion, but there's just something about that Thrawn. He was powerful, yet he understood things about you that you didn't even know yourself. He was charming, and you hoped you didn't make the wrong decision just because you felt a certain attraction for the Chiss,
"Captain (L/N), report to upper deck," the booming sound of the ship's coms echoed through your room. Captain. That was something you'd never been called before, and it sounded nice...
You did as commanded. Likely, it was Thrawn giving these orders, which for some reason, made your stomach turn with anxiety and excitement. He held so much power, yet he wants you in his order. He was appealing for sure, and you weren't afraid of him like Hera and your other friends are. Soon, they'll all be afraid of you too...
The walk down the hallway was never ending. There was a chilled draft from somewhere in the station, and it caused large goosebumps to flow over your arms and neck. Or maybe it was just you thinking up the draft from anxiety. You couldn't tell.
You quickly arrived at upper deck. The atmosphere was off. Stormtroopers, although you couldn't read their features thanks to their shiny-white helmets, were obviously unhappy about your sudden promotion. They were shifting from one leg to the other at the sight of you advancing to the Admiral's chambers. They were jealous. How could a Rebel outrank them just because you were a Clone? You didn't know yourself,
"Ah, welcome Captain," the voice of the Chiss you'd met only a few hours earlier, smirked at the doorway, "I would like to speak to you inside. Away from any prying ears." His smirk faltered while looking at his Stormtroopers. Thrawn must be familiar with Kanan and Ezra's antics; posing as Stormtroopers to sneak in and out of Imperial bases,
"How can I be of assistance, Admiral?" you questioned, rubbing your arm nervously. This was all so taboo... Captain, being singled out by someone so powerful... not to mention he let you have a decision. He cared about what you wanted, which was more than you could say for the Rebels.
Thrawn didn't reply immediately. He stroked his bluish chin and admired his prizes which lined the wall; all of them from different cultures and planets. His collection was beautiful, just as he was, "I wish to gain your trust, (Y/N)," he commented, turning around to face you, "And me to gain yours. I gave you this position because I believe the Empire could use someone with your abilities and potential, but as some would have it, you could be tricking me into trusting a Rebel. So, I would like to go with you on a mission to track down the rest of your friends. The two Jedi, the Lassat and the Mandalorian."
Your stomach dropped. He was sending you to hunt down your friends? "And, we already have the Twi'lek, Hera Syndulla. I will let you take full control of the mission. Do what you wish, but I expect to have the whole Ghost Squad in custody— alive."
"Yes, Admiral," you whispered, guilt hitting you like a punch, "They will be ours."
The handsome smirk of Thrawn returned at that comment. He slid over like a snake and stroked your cheek appreciatively with the back of his blue hand, "That's what I like to hear, Captain. I can't wait to see what you come up with."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...