(Y/N) has been given the job of distracting Dooku by Master Yoda.Requested by savannahester3
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎"Master Fisto," I spoke up confidently while walking up to the Council Member, "Master Yoda has selected the two of us, alongside many other Jedi to travel to Geonosis to rescue Master Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker."
The Jedi Master turned around and nodded generously at me, a smile escaping his lips, "Is General Grievous involved, or is it Count Dooku?" he asked while spinning on his heels to face me, "Because this smells like Dooku's work. Grievous kills Jedi, doesn't hold captives."
I nodded in agreement, "I thought the same. Master Yoda said alongside us, he will be bringing 210 others to help Padawan Skywalker, Master Kenobi and the Senator. I know it's not my place, but isn't that a large amount to risk for so little?"
"I try not to question my fellow Council members, just how you should not question them, (Y/N)," he eyes me strictly, making my eyes fall to the floor immediately as I followed him down the hall.
"You're right, Master," I sighed, gripping my arm, "Even though I've been a Knight for a while now, I've still got a lot to learn about keeping my emotions in check. Master Yoda definitely knows what he's doing."
As Master Fisto and I entered the Throne Room, we noticed many Clone Captains, all of which I've never seen before, lined up in an attentive position. Many Jedi stood before them, choosing their Captain, or it appeared at least to be that way.
The short-statured green Jedi wobbled over time Kit and I, smiling up at the two of us, "Just in time, you two are. Choose your Clone Captains, you must," he motioned with his little clawed hand over to the group, a small grin still on his lips.
"Our Clone Captains?" I asked, looking down at Master Yoda, "I thought they wouldn't be ready for a good while now?"
Yoda, doing his infamous chuckle, just strode away and stood beside his appointed Clone Captain, "Feel through the force, you must. An apparent choice, the force will assist with."
Kit and I separated, each going our own way through the lines of Clones. There were so many to choose from, so many colors and abilities that all needed to be accounted for. This wasn't a decision for me to make though, I must trust in the force for this.
Extending my mind, I feel it pulling me to the end of the line, towards a younger Clone, yet powerful and ambitious. He felt no fear being amongst superiors, like the Jedi, which is important, and he was a good shot. Opening my eyes, I stared right into his brown orbs; him staring right back,
"What's your name, Captain?" My voice echoed through the throne room, not attracting any attention from the other Jedi around.
His hand immediately snapped up to his head, saluting, "I'm CT-2620, sir."
"Do you have a nickname like the others, CT-2620?" I questioned, "I would like to refer to my Captain as another human, rather than an object, if you will."
Still saluting, he blinked and slowly nodded, "They call me Zapp, because I can run faster than any other Clone out there."
"And your mind works faster," I added on, even though I could tell he wanted to be modest and not mention that part, "You and I will make a great team, Captain Zapp. Now, go and get the rest of your squad and meet me back here immediately. We have a mission."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...