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(Y/N) has just been given the honour of becoming the Grand Inquisitor. Vader's plan to capture the Princess is steadily coming into motion, and she is the catalyst.

Requested by dragonsfangs


Part 2! Grand Inquisitor

1st POV

I still couldn't fathom what had transcended through the past few hours. The Grand Inquisitor was dead by the hands of Darth Vader, and now I have been personally selected by the Sith Lord to replace the Grand Inquisitor. It was so sudden, and honestly, I didn't believe I deserved it. Sure, I'm as loyal to the Empire as they come, but I have zero leadership skills. I must have some positive qualities because Vader has faith in me.

Adjusting the pin on my left side that signified my Imperial status, I breathed slowly. I was trying to keep a level head, but I've never sought out this job. It was so overwhelming, and I couldn't calm down enough to even meditate. Not to mention, if Vader and the other Inquisitors sensed my nervousness, it would be like a shark being attracted to blood. I would be an easy target.

Thankfully, neither Darth Vader, nor was my Inquisition was around. Here, in the bridge of the Executor, was just myself an the occasional Officer or two. The Executor was looming intimidatingly over Alderaan, our mission to capture the young Princess Leia still in tact. She was only a teenager, but was already creating rippling waves for the small Rebellion. Vader is right— she has to be stopped.

"Grand Inquisitor," the Officer who accompanied me on the bridge spoke up, "Darth Vader is on his way. He personally instructed me to be your commanding Officer for the foreseeable future."

"Commanding Officer?" I snapped, not liking the sound of that, "No, no. You're far too young to be my commanding Officer. And regardless, I don't need any of your kind. I am beyond capable to take care of myself, my Inquisition, and the Empire itself."

The young man, who's name was Officer Bennett, according to his badge, just smirked, "Vader's orders. You can take it up to him if you think something is wrong. Otherwise, we will be working together a large amount from now on."

Huffing, I just rolled my eyes and turned around, "I expect you to remain quiet unless told otherwise. And don't get in my way."

"Yes, Grand Inquisitor," Bennett commented in between his cocky smirk. I wanted nothing more than to take my lightsaber and cut off his useless head. Yet, I didn't. I fear Vader too much, and after our little trust exercise, I wouldn't dare to do something like that.

The remanding time before Vader showed up was quite short. Bennett only had time to stand attentively by the wall before the Sith Lord strode in. It was impossible to sense what Darth Vader was feeling or thinking. He was a very mysterious man, and if I wanted to take a realistic guess, I'd just say he's pissed. That's a safe answer,

"How long until we are set to land?" Vader's voice boomed at Bennett, who immediately stood straight. I could see the fear literally radiating from him.

"We are ready whenever you and the Grand Inquisitor are," he immediately responded, "Would you like us to initiate landing sequence?"

Vader nodded silently, and walked up beside me. He planted his feet and firmly stared out the window at Alderaan, "I expect us to move fast. I want you in and out as quickly as possible. The less people who know about the Emperor's involvement, the better."

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