Jedi Master Mace Windu has tracked (Y/N)'s location, and is planning on capturing him for the Republic.Requested by JoeyKirkpatrickJr
Part 2! A Change of Heart
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Ever since that day, you couldn't get your mind off that girl. She didn't even have a proper name, yet she stuck with you longer than any normal girl did. The Daughter. The Sister. The End. She was unlike anything you'd ever believed you'd get your hands on, yet you knew she felt the same.
The feeling of numbness you felt during your first and final kiss never left your memory. It truly was the best feeling in the galaxy, and sometimes you regretted not leaving the war for her. Her attitude stung your ego like a slap to the face, yet her spunk made you fall further and further in love with her. Your droids began to notice too— you'd become more rough and strict with them, which was unusual.
"General?" Clive whispered while waving his robotic hand in front of your face, "I asked you a question and you never responded, sir."
Whacking the droid hand's out of the way, you shake your head, "What did you ask, Clive?" you questioned, repositioning yourself in the large seat stationed in the middle of the ship.
"Count Dooku has asked for a report on why you were under the radar for a day," he mechanically answered, "What should I tell him?"
Shaking your head; grabbing the holocard from him, "You're not saying anything, now get out of here," you snapped, earning a 'Roger roger,' from the droid as he exited the room.
Clicking the com on, you're met with the eyes of Count Dooku. Bowing your head out of respect, you continue to look at the ground without locking eye contact,
"How may I be of assistance, my Lord?" you asked, fear crunching through your stomach. He knew, he had to. You didn't understand the force or force sensitives, but Count Dooku always learned the truth.
Dooku rubbed his bearded chin and frowned, "Care to give me an explanation why you were unresponsive for a day. You missed the rendezvous point, General. Very disappointing."
You cringed when he mentioned missing the rendezvous time. You have never been late in your entire career, and of course this girl ruined that streak. You felt obligated to hide her family from Separatist prying eyes, and you couldn't deduce why you'd do something like that,
"We ran out of fuel, my Lord," you lied, still bowing towards the floor, "It took much longer than expected. I need new pilots, because these ones took us on a detour into a mountain."
The Sith immediately commands you to rise and meet his gaze. Standing up from the dirty floor, you dust yourself off, and wait for his furthering comments,
"Why do I sense reluctance in you, General?" he asked, squinting suggestively at you.
Your palms began to grow increasingly sweaty. Swallowing your accumulating spit nervously, you shake your head, "No, Count," you immediately shut down that idea, hoping the Sith would play along, "We should be at the rendezvous point at any moment now. What is your bidding?"
The Count closed his hands behind his back, and continued to watch you with the most uncertainty, "Go on with business. The Separatist Alliance needs Naboo. Can I trust you'll ensure victory?"

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...