(Y/N) (L/N) alongside Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, are investigating a string of deaths on Naboo. When the situation goes sour, they must decide what's most important.Requested by Strawberry_Shortie_
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Once again, the Jedi are called out to Naboo. I anticipated this would be a normal mission; simply something to make the endless, repetitive days go by faster in this war. The Jedi had decided to send out Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and myself, which was always a delight. Obi-Wan was my best friend, and I was always successful while by his side.
However, the occurrences of Naboo was something much more than either of us anticipated... much worst.We had landed on the planet only a few hours ago, and things were already beginning to go bad. While Kenobi and I were out in the forest, we stumbled upon a pack of dead Shaaks and their devastated owner. She frantically told us that her cattle had drank the river water and suddenly died, which gave Kenobi and I some more knowledge about what was happening.
This was likely some kind of water-borne sickness, but how long until it evolved to take on the air?Luckily for Obi-Wan and I, Senator Amidala, the Nabooian senator, had already instructed her people on the planet to not drink the water unless it had been boiled. She had even sent a few of her soldiers into the forest to investigate further, which was when they someone found an underground base. Padmé wasn't quite sure if this underground base was related to the deaths and sickness, but it was worth a look.
"How are you feeling?" Obi-Wan asked as the two of us walked into the thick forest in search of this so-called underground base, "My feelings aren't alerting me to anything sinister personally. I feel like this is just some natural case of sickness that will hopefully clear up soon."
I shook my head while peering through the thick foliage blocking our sight, "Not me. This is all too familiar. It reminds me of the Blue Shadow Virus that attacked the galaxy all those years ago. This is exactly how it started, and it's killing those it infects just as quick as the virus did. It's too similar for me to think it's some kind of natural sickness."
Kenobi didn't say anything. Perhaps he hadn't thought of the Blue Shadow Virus as an option, yet that's all I could think of. I had a Padawan that was back at the Jedi Temple, and she was learning about galaxy-wide sicknesses like the Blue Shadow Virus, and how important it was for the Jedi Order to step in when that kind of thing happened. That's what gave you the idea of the Blue Shadow Virus to begin with,
"I hope you're wrong, (Y/N). The Blue Shadow Virus was a devastating blow to the galaxy and I don't know if it could handle going through something that deadly alongside the war," Obi-Wan whispered while scanning the area with his eyes.
Perhaps now he also suspected what I had thought.Suddenly, I stepped down on the ground below, and unexpectedly, the ground began to rise. I gasped and fought to keep my balance as a piece of metal began protruding from the dirt below. Obi-Wan had already leapt on top of a nearby rock to avoid it. He quickly saw it was a camera and motioned for me to stay still and silent. I did as he said without any arguments.
The camera swivelled it's sight around, trying to scan the area. It was a big enough camera that it made an impressive hole in the ground; so impressive that Obi-Wan and I could squeeze through if we were fast enough. This must be that underground base that Padmé's men must've been talking about.

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...