Altheria and Anakin Skywalker had just become married, and she is pregnant with his child. While Obi-Wan and Anakin are away fighting in the Clone Wars, Altheria decides to do some personal digging to help with their mission.Requested by AllisonTart
Part 3! Obligations
•OC Insert3rd POV: Altheria
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Anakin has been gone for a few days now on an important Jedi mission for the Republic. Although Altheria is a very impressive and powerful Jedi herself, she decided to sit out from the mission, even after Master Yoda himself requested her to go with Masters Skywalker and Kenobi.
She was pregnant, and Altheria did not want to risk either being discovered by the Jedi Order, or having a miscarriage from being in combat. She knew how important this mission was, and she wanted to secretly help from Coruscant.Anakin, his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi had been sent to Tatooine to find and rescue the kidnapped Hutt— Rotta the Hutt. Rotta also happened to be the mighty Jabba the Hutt's son, which made this mission very important to the Republic.
Something about the whole mission didn't seem right to Altheria... she could sense that Dooku and his Separatists had their fingers in this pie.She had consulted the force through meditation to figure out her course of action. The force showed her a throne room, and it was definitely on Coruscant because of the droids in the building. They were Coruscant droids, built on this very planet. Altheria couldn't make out much more besides a slimy purple Hutt that she couldn't put a name to.
Packing her bags, she decided to head out now. She wanted to get to the bottom of this before her husband and the other Jedi found Rotta. Altheria was worried Jabba would end up blaming Anakin and the others for Rotta's kidnapping, which is obviously false. But, Jabba doesn't know stuff like that— he just wants his son back.
"Are you sure this is a good idea for you to go alone?" Altheria's Padawan, a Chiss named Suth questioned while leaning against the wall of her quarters, "You should let me come with you."
Altheria rose to her feet and patted Suth's head, "I appreciate your concern, my Padawan. But, I am travelling to the crime underworlds of Coruscant. It would be suspicious if I brought along a kid."
Suth huffed but nodded, "I understand, Master, but if you get discovered, I won't be with you to help out."
"I'm very good with a lightsaber, Suth," Altheria finished while zipping up her backpack, "Go on to the library and study for a bit. I will return before Masters Skywalker and Kenobi do, just you wait."
"Yes Master," the Chiss responded again, "If you need me though, I will drop everything to come and help you."
Altheria rose to her feet and nodded, "Just go study for now. I'll let you know immediately if I need backup, but just act like I won't, okay? Now, go to the library and talk to Master Sinube. He will give you an assignment."
The Padawan nodded and left Altheria's quarters without another word. Now, it was time for her to head into the underworlds to do her own digging. Of course, she refused to go to the Council with her knowledge because she knew Master Yoda and Master Windu would shut the whole operation down. Even though Altheria was a bit less useful than she usually would be, she didn't want her husband to have all the fun in this mission.

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...