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Kanan Jarrus is (Y/N)'s older brother. After being blinded by Maul, (Y/N) and her boyfriend, Ezra, have to convince him to take it easy.

Requested by savannahester3


1st POV

           "Kanan, look out!" I whipped around, lashing a Stormtrooper with my lightsaber, "You need to be more careful!"

            Kanan shot me a look. Despite his mask over his cold, blind eyes, I could sense his anger, "Shut up, and go find Ezra now! I haven't sensed him in a while, and the baggage still hasn't been blown up yet!"

            Kanan Jarrus, or should I say, Caleb Dume, is my older brother. Him and I don't have the best relationship despite all we've been through together. It also doesn't help that he was Knighted before me. Caused a lot of tension between us. Another factor between us, is the fact that Ezra and I are somewhat of an item. He hates that,

"Why don't you go find him, Kanan," I snapped back while slashing through another angry Stormtrooper, "Why do I always have to do what you say? I didn't know you were in charge of this mission? I thought I was put in charge here, by Hera?" We always bicker like this.

Kanan snapped his head over in disgust, "(Y/N) Dume, I am at least doing my job. Could you say the same? Now go and rescue your friend from his impending doom before I make you!" he shouted, causing rage to build inside me.

            "I'd like to see you try and make me, Kanan," I snapped, whirling around and racing off in the direction of the baggage, and where Ezra was more-than-likely stationed with trouble on his tail, "Make me... sheesh. Who does he think he is."

            Ezra was right where I suspected him to be, "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Ezra asked while force pushing a box on top of a group of Stormtroopers.

           "Kanan sent me to find you," I sneered and leaped down beside him, "You should really grow your hair out again."

            The younger male shrugged and pressed a kiss to my cheek, "Wouldn't it just get in the way? Buzzing it was the best option."

           "Haven't you ever heard of a pony tail, dumbass?" I joked, helping him load up the explosives onto the baggage, "Go ahead and call Zeb. I think this is ready."

Ezra did just as I had requested. This was exactly why the younger boy and I got along just fine. Zeb zoomed through the clouds like the talented pilot he is, and propelled the ship beside the two of us, "Come on you two!" he grunted while shooting at the Troopers who were looming behind us, "We still need to find Kanan before this place blows."

            "I say we leave him," I grunt while throwing myself up into the ship; Ezra right beside me, "He's done nothing on this mission, least he could do is find a ride home."

            My two crew mates just rolled their eyes. This was a constant attitude that radiated off me towards my brother. Of course I love him, and he loves me, but, before the two of us met the Ghost Crew, he was a lowlife, and only cared for himself. He abandoned the force and picked up drinking. I was the only reminder in his life of what we left behind, so he began pushing me away too. I'll never be able to forgive him for that.

             We easily spotted the blue glow of his lightsaber. He was deflecting blaster bolts like a pro; not even breaking a sweat in the process,

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