After Kenobi is declared dead by the hands of bounty hunter, Rako Hardeen, (Y/N) vows to get revenge alongside his friends, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano.Requested by CowboyKenobi
Part 1!
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡It went in slow motion, really. Masters Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, alongside myself and Padawan Tano, were just finishing up a long, tiresome mission. We were all sharing laughs, almost like relief-filled laughs over how no one got hurt.
We had all arrested and contained a known Separatist sympathizer from Coruscant. A rare, but not surprising scenario. The Separatists had stretched their grasp over the galaxy as far as they can reach: even Coruscant.
Then, he appeared.The Bounty Hunter that would kill my boyfriend.
The Bounty Hunter that would destroy the Jedi that has done so much.
The Bounty Hunter that would push me to lengths I wouldn't normally go on.
I am going to kill him.The chase didn't last any more than five minutes. Rako had been fast and crafty. He chose the right place to attack. The Coruscant underworlds were riddled with life forces, so none of us even sensed him.
Obi-Wan didn't stand a chance.As his lifeless corpse plummeted to the ground from below the tower the four of us were on, it felt like a knife was thrusted into my gut. The pain was numbing. Red peaked in the corners of my vision as I leapt after my boyfriend; the wind from the two of us falling blinding me.
I could almost hear Anakin and Ahsoka calling out in fear over what just took place, but not even the force itself could've stopped me from jumping after Obi. He was the most important thing to me... now he's dead!
The rest of the night was a haze. The Jedi Temple as well as the Coruscant Guard arrived in the alley to both collect Obi-Wan Kenobi's corpse, and scout the area to try and find Rako Hardeen. They were unsuccessful.
The Jedi brought Obi-Wan back to the Temple, and immediately began preparing for the funeral.I was numb. The only thing that made me eventually break and sob was the realization that the Council decided to bury Obi-Wan beside his old Master; Qui-Gon Jinn. That's exactly what my boyfriend would've wanted.
Anakin accompanied me back to my quarters. The young Knight was better at hiding his feelings than I was, but I could still sense his unwavering sadness. It was like a flood between the two of us,"So, what's the plan?" I asked; the sound of phlegm conjuring in my voice, "When are we going after Hardeen?"
I know Anakin wanted to immediately jump in and agree, but he didn't, "(Y/N), revenge isn't the Jedi way. Obi-Wan would want us to keep going and thrive without him. As hard as it is, we have to abandon this idea about going after Hardeen."
Anger flashed over my expression at Anakin's lack of care, "Anakin, he saved you from Tatooine!" I began, clutching both of the Chosen One's shoulders, forcing him to look into my eyes, "He risked his life for you countless times. He showed you the Jedi Code. He loved you, and this is how you're going to thank him? By abandoning the idea that his murderer deserves to pay for what he's done?"
"That's not what I'm saying!" Anakin snapped back, yanking his shoulders from my grip, "Obi-Wan deserves justice more than any other Jedi I know, but it's simply impossible to track down this man! He's gone."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...