A gang of bounty hunters pursue Grogu.Requested by PokemonMaster2019
Part 1!
1st POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Everything went by so fast. My life-long friend and lover, Din Djarin, and I, were on a small supplies mission on the eastern part of the planet of Mon Cala. Water planets... they never gave me a good feeling about anything. Just about anything could be hiding in those icy, dark depths, and per usual, Din had brought the easiest target alongside us for the mission. If there was anything in that water, little Grogu would be getting snatched before either of us, which always puts me on edge.
Din wasn't even paying much attention to Grogu; just fighting off some opposing Mon Calamari and the occasional Quarren. I was half-assed fighting off the Mon Cala occupants over the fact I was so worried for the state of our small accompaniment. He was getting dangerously-close to the waterside, and both the Mandalorian and myself were blocked off; unable to protect him.
Many of the Quarren noticed this little weakness of ours almost instantly, and I could tell they were gunning for the Child, plus trying to kick him into the water. I couldn't wrap my head around why these individuals would be this evil; to aim for a child, just to get the upper hand, but I am nicer than most. I'm the reason Din didn't turn Grogu in for the credits, but he thanks me about my suggestion everyday. Children aren't on our lists for potential bounties,
"Din!" I shouted as I began to get overwhelmed by the ocean-dwelling aliens; a pair of them pinning my arms behind my back and attempting to wrestle me to the ground, "Get Grogu! They're gonna throw him over!"
That got the younger Mandalorian's attention almost immediately. He quickly kicked into overdrive and smacked two Mon Calamari overboard and shot another one in the gut. I struggled against the weight of the opposition. If I was free, I'd be able to save him... far faster than Din could...
The leader of these bandits; an ugly salmon-pink Quarren smirked, and picked Grogu up by the collar of his little jacket, "Stand down, Mando!" he snarled; his voice bubbly and water-like, "Your precious cargo will be fish food if you take one more step."
Din froze and slowly lifted his hands into the air, "Alright. Alright, you win. Just let him go, and we will forget about this. You will be free from us, we swear."
I nodded in agreement, still struggling against the grips of the large males, "Listen to him! No one needs to get hurt!"
Grogu squirmed and struggled against the man's grip, squeaking occasionally and eyeing Mando and I both. My heart shattered. With the kid traveling with us, his safety is in jeopardy, but he is our kid and a member of our Creed. Regardless of his safety, he must stay with us.
"That's precisely it, Mando," the Quarren shouted; eyeing the two of us, "I have the upper hand now, and if I return the kid, who's to say you won't shoot me on the spot."
"By the code of the Mandalorian," Din begins, dropping his blasters and staring right at the Quarren. I could feel the anger radiating off of him, and I shivered, "We will never pursue your clan if you safely let the kid go. No tricks on your part, and none on ours either."
The Quarren grumbled something inaudible in the language of Quarrenese, obviously saying something to his clan. I had a bad feeling about this. This alien, by the name of Verin, was known to be crafty, and his clan, the 'Black Tide,' were willing to do anything in their power to ensure his plans went through,

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...