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Thrawn was just made aware that his wife, (Y/N), is pregnant. He is getting ready to abandon the Empire to raise his and (Y/N)'s baby when Ezra Bridger and his Purrgils stage an attack.

Requested by siriania

Part 1!


1st POV

It had been a chaotic few weeks for sure. Being the wife of Grand Admiral Thrawn often brought on a chaotic lifestyle, but I didn't want it any other way. I had just told my husband that I am pregnant with his baby, and he is beyond ecstatic. He had even agreed to drop the Empire and fly me somewhere safe where we could raise the baby without fear of attack. Unfortunately, the Rebels weren't inclined on letting me nor my husband escape that easily.

A Rebel group, run by Jedi Padawan, Ezra Bridger, had approached the Chimaera virtually unseen. Ever since Ezra's Jedi Master, Kanan Jarrus, had been brutally murdered in an attempt to save his partner, Hera Syndulla, Ezra has had a blood lust for Thrawn and I. Today was no different, and unfortunately, today was the day that both my husband and I were going to abandon the Empire to raise our baby...

Thrawn and I were sitting silently in his office. The Chiss was packing quite a few bags up with all of his important belongings, such as his art and weapons. I was doing the same, but I was mainly packing clothing.
Then, the warning alarms of the Chimaera began blaring; both Thrawn and I jumping from surprise at the sudden noise.

A Stormtrooper barged into Thrawn's office; obviously out of breath, "I'm sorry to intrude. I know this is your office, Grand Admiral, but it's an emergency!"

"Get on with it then," Thrawn responded, obviously annoyed that the Stormtrooper had barged in like that, especially when he and his wife were packing up their belongings to abandon the Empire.

The Stormtrooper stopped for a moment, gasping for air. I couldn't help but think about how the Empire needed to train the men and women they pick up for their Stormtroopers a bit better on the endurance side of things,
"The Jedi Rebel has been spotted on the outskirts of section X of the Chimaera," he said, once he had gotten his breath back, "It's that kid, and he looks very unhappy."

"You've seen him?" I asked while dropping my suitcase and staring fearfully at my husband, "Tell the Troopers to shoot to kill. Thrawn and I will do what we can!"

The Stormtrooper nodded and headed back out the door. I hoped he could make it back in time to his unit to spread the orders,
"You shouldn't have promised them we would do what we can," Grand Admiral Thrawn said, "We're trying to leave, remember?"

"I remember, don't worry, my love," I said, ignoring the irritation bubbling in my gut over that simple sentence, "I'm not gonna just tell our men that we aren't gonna help out. That would kill moral, and in the long run, give Ezra the advantage."

Thrawn nodded in understanding while picking up his suitcases again, "It's gonna be an awkward conversation if we run into some Stormtroopers in the hallways." There was a smirk on the Chiss' face, which made me blush. He was rarely silly like this and willing to confront something as dangerous as what we were doing. I love him so much.

"We better be as inconspicuous as possible, then," I smiled while pressing a kiss to my husband's lips.
Of course, I was scared. Petrified. Terrified, for sure. But, having my husband by my side really helped. And, the Chiss was beginning to grow quite overprotective of me considering how I am newly pregnant, and he doesn't want anything to happen to his precious bundle and his expectant wife.

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