Elpída, the child of (Y/N) and the Daughter begins to show signs of force sensitivity, which gets the attention of Vader.Requested by JoeyKirkpatrickJr
Part 3! Redemption
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Years since the ending of the Clone Wars have passed. The news of your old companions' deaths crushed your heart and soul, yet you knew you would be dead too if you wouldn't have left when you did. The Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, had strayed from his path on the lightside, and joined the Emperor; a Sith Lord. Your wife, the Daughter, mourned over the galaxy's loss since that day, and honestly, you didn't know how to help her.
You had your own issues to deal with as well. Post-Traumatic Stress wracked through your nights, causing restless sleeps and uneasy days. Memories of the past battles, innocent lives you've recklessly taken. The screams... This brought on frequent fighting and arguing between yourself and your wife,
"You couldn't begin to wrap your head around what I've been through. All I've done," you whispered, slowly raising your voice to a moderate shout, "Everything I've ever known, everyone I've ever loved is gone— left as nothingness."
"Oh, and it would've been any different if the Separatists won the war?" the Daughter snapped back, "You have much more to fight for with our current situation! What about your daughter?"
You bit your lip, holding back a reply. She really couldn't understand all you've seen. During the war, she just sat all peaceful on her little planet before she met you, not even batting an eye at the conflict encasing the galaxy. This bothered you in particular, especially when she complained about how the galaxy had fallen to the dark side. If she would've intervened, she could've prevented it,
"Don't bring Elpída into this," you replied, your voice immediately lowering back down into a whisper at the mention of your child, "You're right, she's worth all the struggles, but that doesn't change the fact that I die everyday, reliving all my trauma and experiences while you sit by and do nothing."
The Daughter frowns angrily, pushing her arms down by her side, "How dare you! If I could do something to help you with your pain, I would, but that's just beyond me. You're unbelievably selfish. What about what I'm going through? You ever think about that? You're such a Separatist."
"Mama? Papa?" a little voice echoed through the silence, "Why are you two fighting?"
Spinning around on your heel, you met eyes with your daughter, Elpída. She resembled your wife almost uncannily, but she didn't have the same shine to her. She also shared your (H/C) colored hair and your gorgeous eyes,
"We're just discussing some things, my angel," you whispered, walking over; scooping the seven-year-old up into your arms, "Did we wake you up?"
The young girl shook her head and leaned into your shoulder, closing her eyes, "No. I felt something scary in the force, papa."
Another aspect inherited from her mother. You're certain Elpída is force-sensitive, which frankly is ironic because of your lifelong hatred for the Jedi,
"What was it, my darling?" your wife questioned, her mood immediately changing from angry at you, to worried about her daughter.
Yawning tiredly, she tugged on your loosely-fitting shirt in a desperate attempt to get comfortable in your arms, "I saw a man in my dream. He had yellow eyes and there was a robot standing behind him. I think the robot was alive though. He was breathing, not clicking unlike most droids. They had red swords. They're coming to Mortis. I just know it... What does it means?"

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...