The Ghost Squad uncovers a plot that the Empire has been brewing for a while.Not a Request ♥︎
Part 3! The Resistance
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎Rex wasn't hard to find, like he told you. You were more confident now that Kanan was happier and more attentive. You always reacted better when your boyfriend had his head in the game. You however didn't know if Kanan was yet ready to take on the impending force that inhibited Kamino.
Rex was waiting for your arrival. Ezra had already found the old Clone Captain and was sharing small talk. Ezra never had trouble making friends. Po was nowhere to be seen, however,
"Evening, Captain," you began, smiling at Ezra, "You two having fun?"
Rex smiled and nodded, "You have a very spontaneous Padawan, Kanan," he began; Ezra walking over and planting himself by your boyfriend's side, "Haven't met anyone half as unpredictable since General Skywalker. Keep him close."
"I always do," Kanan replied and laid his hand on his apprentice's shoulder, "Should we start the briefing, or wait for Po-Po?"
"I'm here," the Kel Dor spoke up, wandering inside the room. He must've been following Kanan and you.
You smiled towards your young apprentice, and watched Rex do an appreciative nod, "Alright. Let's begin then. The Empire has stretched its control all throughout the galaxy, but it's insulting to use Kamino the way they do. Darth Vader has been in and out of the facility lately, and I believe they're planning something. Cloning something."
"Could he be cloning himself?" Ezra questioned, immediately looking uneasy at the sound of Darth Vader, "We can barely handle one. If there are more, we might as well surrender."
Rex shook his head at Ezra's comment, "I don't believe that's the case. I suspect another army, or potentially an apprentice. My intel isn't great, but regardless, nothing good could come out of this."
"I agree," Kanan nodded, rubbing his chin in thought, "What about his Master? Palpatine... Think they could be cloning him?"
None of you could formulate a reply to that suggestion. Honestly, you'd rather fight 100 Darth Vader's than even one Emperor. He overpowered Master Yoda towards the end of the Clone Wars, and not to mention, single-handedly murdered your Master. Vader is bad too, but he is stoppable, unlike his evil Master,
"We have to move fast," you whispered, the feeling of your Master slowly returning to you. You'd blocked out your old feelings to remain strong, but just being reminded of the Dark Lord brought back memories of Mace Windu, "No more discussion needed. We are destroying that cloning facility."
"Whatever they've already made in there will have to be destroyed," Po-Po speaks up, "What if Master Jarrus is right? What if there are more Palpatines?"
"We fight for the freedom of the galaxy," you reply, squeezing your apprentice's shoulder, trying to calm his nerves, "Nothing has changed. Whether it's 100 Emperors, or just one. Nothing changes."
Rex nods and spins around, looking at a holomap that was located on his desk, "I'll ready up a squad. Get ready to head out."

Star Wars: Imagines
Romance(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...