(Y/N) is travelling with the 501st battalion, and is injured in battle. It's up to Kix to bring him back to good health before it's too late.Requested by inparanormal
2nd POV
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡"We've routed the Separatists!" the voice of ARC Trooper Fives yells while letting off a few stray blaster bolts towards the fleeing tanks and droids of the Separatist army, "I'm surprised they backed off so easy."
You stood up and brushed off your robes which had accumulated a lot of access dust from the conflict, "Don't be too excited, Fives. Knowing General Grievous, they're formulating another plan that will hit us harder than the last. Right now, why don't you go see Kix and see about that wound on your face."
Fives sniffed and rubbed his gloved hand across his cheek, "I hadn't even noticed I had a wound. Thanks, General." He walked off without another word; following orders.
All the Clones were good like that. It made you sad though over how much they bent over backwards for others. Well, that's how the Jedi were too— both Clones and Jedi had their duties. You just wished the Clones took better care of themselves.
Kix would take care of his brothers, you didn't have to worry about that for too long. Kix also took care of you. He is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for."I want a patrol to sweep the area!" you commanded while motioning towards ARC Trooper Echo, Hardcase, and Tup, "The Separatists wouldn't have been defeated that easily, and I don't trust this. General Grievous is creating a false sense of security for us, and I don't want to fall for it."
General Skywalker left his tent where he was also visiting Kix. After hearing your commands, he nodded in agreement and approval, "Why don't you go with them on patrol, General (L/N). Ahsoka and I will hold the fort here. Of course, the Clones can hold their own, but I would feel better if you went with them considering General Grievous is in the mix."
"Sure, I can do that," you answered while nodding at Anakin, "We will be back in a little bit. When Echo, Hardcase, Tup, and I return, I want another patrol going out to replace us. I don't want our flanks exposed for even a moment until we've secured victory."
Captain Rex nodded this time at that command, and began devising a second patrol group to go out after yours was finished. You inhaled deeply and took to the trees with your troopers by your side. Felucia was rarely comforting, but for some reason, tonight it was.
All of the flora that would love to snack on you and your friends were tucked away in the bushes thanks to the recent blaster fight. None of the carnivorous creatures were around either. It was just you and your Clones. This moment, although you had to focus on your surroundings, gave you some time to think. There was nothing in particular besides Kix that was on your mind, so you stuck to just thinking about Kix.
You and the Clone had started dating a few rotations ago, and although it was the best decision you'd ever made in your entire life, it was also very stressful. The Clone Wars proved the Jedi had to remain unbiased with their armies, which was a 180° turn from how the Jedi used to be. They went from peacekeepers to war generals.
You wanted to be biased with Kix. You didn't want a damn thing to happen to your boyfriend, as he did not want anything to happen to you. You sometimes wondered if the force had given you a second life just to punish you for what you had done in a previous life... maybe yours and Kix's relationship was that punishment. You could lose each other at any time, and that was the absolute worst part about the war.

Star Wars: Imagines
Romantizm(REQUESTS OPEN) Please message me to request! These will include characters from the Star Wars franchise, reader or OC inserted! I have so much fun fulfilling requests and making them come to life! Don't hesitate to message me! NO NSFW REQUESTS! •••...