~The Wrong Jedi~

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"I'm sorry master, but I'm not coming back."

Ahsoka walked through the streets of Coruscant, thinking back to the day's events.

Only a few days ago, she was a loyal Jedi. Now, she didn't know what she was.

Why would they do that!? She thought. I trusted them, why didn't they trust me!?

She was angry, angrier than she would like to admit.

She had been cast aside by the ones she trusted the most. She always had her doubts on whether the council was right or not, but she had never expected them to pull off this.

What were they even trying to accomplish!? Why did they just abandon me like that!? And what was with Windu and all his "great trial" nonsense!? They're... they're wrong! They're wrong about everything!

She clenched her hands into fists. She didn't understand. She just didn't understand why they would do this.

While they did let her back into the Order, she couldn't accept. She wasn't going to be a part of that organization of hypocrites. Not anymore.

Now, she was left to wander the streets of Coruscant, with nothing but her own tricks to get her by.

She was alone.



She couldn't help but cry.

Why!? She thought. "Why did they expel me!?"

Her emotions reached a breaking point. She slid into an alleyway since she didn't want to start bawling in public. She slid down and sat against the wall and put her hands against her face, covering a face soaked in tears.

She cried. And she cried. And she cried.

She had nobody to run to.

Nobody to protect her.

She was on her own, whether she liked it or not.

And she didn't like it, that was for certain.

She didn't want to let her emotions get too strong, or else they might wrangle her into embracing the Dark Side, but it was just too hard to ignore and keep buried in herself.

She could still run back. Run back to the temple and fall on her knees before her master, saying that he was right, that she was making a mistake.

But she couldn't. She was not going back there if it meant her life.

A part of her was even wondering if this was a life still worth living.

She tried her best to compose herself, and stood up.

I really need something to eat right now, she thought.

Her hunger was not going to wait for her emotions to pass.

She looked into a nearby crate. Supplies, fuel, and some less-than-legal items, but she managed to find some miscellaneous fruits in there to subside.

She munched on the fruits. They weren't the best preserved, but it would have to do.

After she was done eating, she stood up and walked away, back into the streets.

It was all she could do.

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